Town of Hyde Park
Storage of Unregistered Vehicle Permit
Date: ______________________
Permit Fee: ____$20 for 2 mo.
____ $45 for 3 mo.
____ $80 for 4 mo.
____$125 for 5 mo.
____$180 for 6 mo.
Permit #: ___________________
Permit Start Date: ___________
Expiration Date: _____________
Street Address: __________________________
Vehicle Owner: _______________________
Vin #: _______________________________
Grid # _________________________________
Make/Model: _________________________
Zoning District: __________________________
Year/Color: __________________________
Property Owner: __________________________
License Plate: ________________________
Property Owner Address: __________________
Contact: _____________________________
Property Owner Phone #: ___________________
Property Owner Consent: ___________________
REASON FOR THE REQUEST: _______________________________________________
Location of vehicle – on the reverse side please draw an approximate location of vehicle in relation to
the house.
Property owner acknowledges that storage of this one vehicle:
1. Is accessory to the principle use
2. No more than one permit will be issued per calendar year per parcel
3. The maximum length of time for this vehicle to be stored on this property is 180 days
4. The property owner is responsible for removal of license and registration of the vehicle upon
expiration of the permit
5. The property owner is liable for violation of the terms of this permit under the Zoning Code
6. The placement of the vehicle will not block any visibility of access or sight distance
7. The placement of the vehicle is not to be on the town road property or ROW or in any required
yard setback
Property owner signature
Signature of owner acknowledges permission for vehicle to be stored in compliance with the zoning
code requirements and is responsible for the violation if the terms of the permit are not met.
NOTE: This permit does not supersede the regulations of any other controlling agency
Unregistered Vehicle Storage Permit Application Form 18Jan10