Filing - This return must be filed with the Washington State
Department of Revenue. You must file on or before the last
A public university purchases natural gas from an
day of the month following the taxable period. A penalty for
out-of-state supplier through a broker. An interstate
filing late will be applied on all taxes received and
pipeline company delivers the natural gas to the local
postmarked after the due date.
distribution company who delivers it to the university.
Payment - Payment should be made by check or money
The university pays the supplier for the natural gas,
order if it is sent through the mail. Make your check or
the pipeline company for its transportation charges,
money order payable to the Washington State Department of
and the local distribution company for its
Revenue and mail to the Washington State Department of
transportation charges. The transportation charges
Revenue, General Administration Bldg., PO Box 47464,
paid to the pipeline company are subject to the
Olympia WA 98504-7464, Attn: Brokered Natural Gas.
Natural Gas Use Tax because they are not subject to
Public Utility Tax. This is because transportation
Questions - If you have questions or need help filling out
originates outside the state and terminates within the
this return, please call the Department of Revenue at (360)
state. The transportation charges paid to the local
902-7063, weekdays, for assistance.
distribution company are subject to the Public Utility
City Code Column - From the chart on the inside page of
Tax. Since transportation originates and terminates
this return, find the city in which you received your brokered
entirely within the state, the transportation charges,
natural gas. If that address is in the county, you only need to
therefore, are not subject to the Natural Gas Use
complete the state portion of this tax on line 1. All branch
Tax. In conclusion, the value of the natural gas
locations may be combined on line 1 to report one total for
reported should include its purchase price from the
the state portion of this tax.
supplier as well as the transportation charges paid to
the pipeline company.
Enter the four-digit code for your city in the city code column.
Then enter the tax rate for that city in the tax rate column.
The same scenario as (a) except the gas is delivered
directly to the university by the pipeline company and
Volume - Enter the total volume of gas, in therms, delivered
bypasses the local distribution company’s final
for this period on line 1, and enter the volume of gas, in
delivery. The university pays the supplier for the
therms, delivered to a location inside a city on any city lines
natural gas and the pipeline for its transportation
previously identified. If your company received brokered
charges. The transportation charges are subject to
natural gas in more than one location, enter the volume for
the Natural Gas Use Tax because they are not
each city on a separate line. If brokered natural gas was
subject to Public Utility Tax. The value of the natural
received in more than one location within the same city, you
gas reported should include its purchase price from
may aggregate those locations on one line for one total. This
the supplier as well as the transportation charges
information will be cross-matched with the quarterly reports
paid to the pipeline company.
required from gas deliverers.
Total Value - Add the purchase price and transportation
1 MMBTU = 10 therms or
charges, then enter the total value on line 1 and on any of
1 therm = 100,000 BTU’s.
the city lines identified previously.
Purchase Price - Enter the purchase price of the gas
Tax Due - Multiply the total value times the tax rate and
delivered in the quarter. Enter only the price of the gas. Do
enter the result in this column.
not include the transportation charges.
Credits - A credit is allowed against this use tax for any use
Transportation Charges - If all or part of the transportation
tax paid by the consumer to another state on the gas
charges for the delivery of the brokered natural gas are
consumed or used and subject to this tax. Any use tax
separately subject to the state’s public utility tax
allowed as a credit shall be prorated to the states' and cities’
(RCW 82.16.020(1)(c)) and the cities’ public utility tax
portion of the tax based on the relative rates of the taxes.
(RCW 35.21.870), then those transportation charges are
A credit is also allowed against the use tax imposed by the
exempt and may be excluded from the measure of the use
state for any gross receipts tax imposed by another state on
tax. Enter the non-exempt amount charged for interstate
the seller of the gas with respect to the gas consumed or
transportation on the gas delivered for this period on line 1
and on any of the city lines already identified above.
A credit is allowed against the use tax imposed by the cities
The tax is structured so that either the public utility tax or the
for any gross receipts tax imposed by another state or
natural gas use tax is paid. The following examples identify
political subdivision of the state on the seller of the gas with
which of the two taxes applies in given situations.
respect to the gas consumed or used.
Prior Period Adjustments - Enter any adjustments for
previous periods in this column and provide an explanation
for each one.
REV 41 0065-4 (2/21/02)