Life Insurance
Retirees cannot have a break in Life Insurance coverage between employment and retirement, increase the amount of coverage
or add new dependents upon or after retirement. Retirees (new or existing) may only continue, decrease or cancel Life Insurance for
themselves and their eligible dependents who are enrolled in Life Insurance at the time of retirement. If you choose to decrease or cancel
coverage, you cannot re-enroll or increase coverage in the future. Surviving Beneficiaries who were enrolled in Dependent Life Insurance
under the deceased Retiree may only continue Life Insurance through a conversion policy purchased directly from the plan.
Choose One Option:
Choose a coverage amount in increments of $10,000 for yourself
(must be equal to or less than current coverage):
Continue Life Insurance
Fill in the amount of Benefit
Decrease Life Insurance
0 0 0
Cancel Life Insurance
Choose One Option:
Choose a coverage amount in increments of $5,000 for your spouse up
to 1/2 of the amount chosen for yourself (must be equal to or less than
Continue Spouse Life Insurance
current coverage):
Fill in the amount of Benefit
Decrease Spouse Life Insurance
0 0 0
Cancel Spouse Life Insurance
Choose One Option:
Choose a coverage amount in increments of $5,000 for your and/or
your spouse’s children up to 1/2 of the amount chosen for yourself
Continue Child Life Insurance benefits
(must be equal to or less than current coverage):
Decrease Child Life Insurance benefits
Fill in the amount of Benefit
0 0 0
Cancel Child Life Insurance benefits
NOTE: See Benefit Guide for information about automatic reductions in Life Insurance coverage beginning at age 65.
Retiree Signature
Please enroll me for the benefits indicated on this form. I understand the benefits and limitations provided by the various
plans and I authorize the State of Maryland to make the necessary adjustments in my retirement allowance based on the
choices I have made. I agree to make any premium payments necessary if my retirement allowance will not support the
necessary deductions. I understand that to the extent the State subsidizes or pays part of the cost of my coverages, there may
be tax consequences to me if I cover dependents who are not my tax dependents. To the extent deemed necessary by the
Plan Administrator for the proper administration of my coverages, I authorize the release of all medical records and related
information pertaining to me or my dependents to the benefit plans. The personal information provided on this enrollment
form is complete, accurate, and in accordance with the Department of Budget and Management regulations. The Mandatory
Insurer Reporting Law 42 U.S.C. 1395y(b)(7) requires group health plans to report SSNs in order for Medicare to coordinate
payments with other insurance benefits. Please refer to our Notice of Privacy Practices in the Benefit Guide and on our
website for more detailed information. I understand that I cannot cancel or change my enrollment except during an Open
Enrollment period or as a result of a qualifying event in accordance with COMAR and IRS Section 125.
I understand that the Benefit Program offered by the State is subject to modifications and changes and that the benefits I
have chosen in this enrollment are only in effect for January 2015-December 2015. The State of Maryland reserves the right
to modify any of the benefits provided and gives no assurances, expressed or implied, that any coverage obtained hereunder
will continue beyond December 31, 2015.
I certify that I and any dependents listed for coverage are eligible for coverage. I understand that enrollment in benefits
to which I or my dependents are not entitled is considered fraud. In all cases I am responsible for the accuracy of my
benefits, coverage levels and deductions. I further understand that if I willfully misrepresent the eligibility of myself or my
dependents on my benefits application, or fail to take the necessary action to remove ineligible dependents, or in any way
obtain benefits to which I am not entitled, my benefits will be cancelled. I may be required to repay any claims and insurance
premiums which have been paid inappropriately and may face criminal investigation and prosecution.
I certify that neither I nor my covered dependents are covered under another State of Maryland employee’s or
retiree’s membership for any coverage for which I or they are enrolled on this form.
Other than Medicare and your State of Maryland benefits, do you, your spouse, or any of your dependents have other health
Specify who is covered, name of Insurance Company: _________________________________________________________
Policy Number:________________________________ and Effective Date: _______________
X __________________________________________________
Retiree/Beneficiary Signature
If you have any questions concerning the benefits and services that are provided by or excluded under this agreement, please contact the plan’s
member service department before signing this application. Plan phone numbers are listed on the inside front cover of the Benefits Guide.