Filing of Disclosure Statements. Check one:
( )
Copies of the disclosure statements and subscription agreements are attached; or
( )
Copies of the disclosure statements and subscription agreements will be filed with the
Commissioner within 10 days of filing this notice. Failure to comply with this request may
result in an administrative penalty of up to $1,000.
General Announcement of the Offering. Check one:
( )
A general announcement of the offering was not made and will not be made.
( )
A copy of the general announcement of the offering is enclosed with this notice.
Date of Publication: ________________________________________
Method of Publication (e.g., newspaper, other publications, Internet):
Undertaking: The issuer undertakes to deliver the disclosure statement required by paragraph (4) of
Corporations Code Section 25102(n) to be delivered to specified qualified purchasers, and any
supplement thereto, to the Commissioner within 10 days of the Commissioner's request for the
11. Date of First Notice: _______________
( )
Check if issuer already has a consent to
Authorized Signature on behalf of Issuer
service of process on file with the Commissioner.
Print name and title of signatory
Name, Address, and Phone number of contact person:
Instruction: Each issuer (other than a California Corporation) filing a notice under Section 25102(n) must also file a Consent
to Service of Process (Form 260.165), unless it already has a valid consent to service on file with the Commissioner.
First Notice - Section 25102(n)