Taxpayers who have questions and problems which are not covered in
WHEN TO FILE: Each person responsible for the payment of taxes levied in
these instructions may obtain assistance by writing to the Taxation Division,
Section 149.160, RSMo shall file a return and remit amounts owed monthly
Excise Tax, P.O. Box 3320, Jefferson City, MO 65105-3320 or telephone
to the director of revenue on or before the fifteenth day of the month
(573) 751-5772.
following the first sale within the state.
WHO MUST FILE: All manufacturers, wholesalers, or other persons making
“NO SALES” RETURNS REQUIRED: Every manufacturer, wholesaler or
a “first sale within the state” of a tobacco product (other than cigarettes) to a
other person with an Annual Wholesaler’s Other Tobacco Products License
person who intends to sell such tobacco products at retail or to a person at
is required to file a return on a monthly basis even though no sales were
retail within the State of Missouri.
made during a previous month.
NOTE: All applicable Schedules A through E should be completed first.
LINE 1: Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts and/or
LINE 13: Enter the sum of Lines 7 through 12 to arrive at your total
deals). This amount is the same as your previous month’s ending inventory
allowable deductions.
as reported on Line 6 of last month’s report.
LINE 14: Subtract Line 13 from Line 5 to arrive at your total amount subject to tax.
LINE 15: Multiply Line 14 by 10% (.10) to arrive at the amount of tax due.
FIRST — Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts
LINE 16: Multiply Line 15 by 2% (.02) to arrive at your timely remittance
and/or deals) of new inventory of tobacco products (other than cigarettes)
deduction allowed. The discount will be forfeited if not remitted on time. (The
received into stock during the month. The total is taken from Schedule A.
return must be deposited in the United States Mail [U.S. Postmark] on or
Schedule A must be attached to your return to substantiate new inventory.
before the last date prescribed. If the last date prescribed is a Saturday, a
Sunday or a legal holiday in this state, is shall be considered timely if it is
FIRST — Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts
deposited in the United States Mail [U.S. Postmark] on the next succeeding
and/or deals) of all tobacco products (other than cigarettes) returned by your
day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.)
customers. This amount should include ALL returned products, including
LINE 17: Enter the total of Line 15 less Line 16 to arrive at your total tax due.
those products that are subsequently returned to the manufacturer. This
total is taken from Schedule B. Schedule B must be attached to your report
LINE 18: Any person responsible for the tax imposed in Section 149.160,
to substantiate all customer returns. (See Line 22 for credit.)
RSMo who fails to pay such tax within the time and manner required by law,
shall pay, as part of the tax imposed, a penalty equal to 25% of the tax
LINE 4: Enter the sum of Lines 1, 2, and 3 to arrive at your total tobacco
liability. If any amount of Line 17 was remitted (U.S. postmarked) after the
products (other than cigarettes) available for sale during the report month.
date prescribed, calculate 25% and enter the result on Line 18.
LINE 5: Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts and/or
LINE 19: Enter the total of Line 17 plus Line 18 to arrive at your total tax due.
deals) for ALL products sold or removed in any manner from inventory
during the report month.
LINE 20: Calculate interest due on any amount that was remitted (postmarked
LINE 6: Enter the total of Line 4 less Line 5 to arrive at your ending
by the United States Post Office) after the date prescribed. Multiply the
amount on Line 19 times 3%. Divide this number by 365 (366 for leap years)
inventory for the report month. This will also be the amount that you will
and multiply the result by the number of days late from the original due date
report as opening inventory on Line 1 of your next month’s report.
of the return through the postmark date of payment.
FIRST — Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts
LINE 21: Enter on Line 21 the total of Line 19 plus Line 20.
and/or deals) for all sales made to persons outside the state of Missouri.
LINE 22: Approved credit for returned merchandise will be allowed provided
The total is taken from Schedule C. Schedule C must be attached to your
the tax was paid on the returned merchandise and the purchaser was given
report to substantiate all export sales.
a refund or credit. Such approved credit is taken on the return for the month
the refund/credit memo was issued to the purchaser. Credit for the Missouri
FIRST — Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts
tax previously paid on products that were subsequently returned to inventory
and/or deals) for all sales made to post exchanges, commissaries and other
will be allowed only to the extent that the tax was actually paid by you.
instrumentalities of the federal government. To be exempt under this
Therefore, do not include any portion of the 2% timely deduction that may
provision, you must have on record the federal government purchase order
have previously been retained by you for timely remittance. Enter the amount
for all tobacco products (other than cigarettes) exempt from tax for which
of actual tax that was previously paid to Missouri for the returned merchan-
payment was made directly by the federal government. This amount is
dise. A copy of the refund/credit memo issued by you to your customer must
taken from Schedule D. Schedule D must be attached to your report to
be attached. Failure to attach such refund/credit memo may result in the
substantiate all military sales.
disallowance of Line 22.
LINE 23: Approved credit for returned merchandise will be allowed,
FIRST — Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts
provided the tax was paid on the returned merchandise and the retailer was
and/or deals) for all sales made to other Missouri licensed wholesalers of
given a refund or credit. Such approved credit is taken on the return for the
tobacco products (other than cigarettes). The total is taken from Schedule
month the refund/credit memo was issued to the retailer. Therefore, do not
E. Schedule E must be attached to your report to substantiate all sales
include any portion of the 2% timely deduction that may have previously
made to another Missouri licensed wholesaler. To be entitled to this
been retained by you for timely remittance. Enter the total amount of actual
deduction, you must have a valid Form 4357 (Other Tobacco Products Tax
tax that was paid to Missouri for the returned merchandise. A copy of the
Exemption Certificate) retained in your files that has been issued to you by
tax affidavit for unsaleable returned product from the manufacturer and a
your customer. Failure to provide a copy of a valid Form 4357 upon request
copy of the refund/credit memo issued by you to the retailer must be attached.
by the Missouri Department of Revenue may make you liable for the collec-
Failure to attach such documents may result in the disallowance of Line 23.
tion and payment of the tax to the state.
LINE 24: Enter any tax overpayment credit carryover form previously filed
LINE 10: Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before discounts
monthly report(s). You must attach a copy of the credit letter issued by the
and/or deals) of all tobacco products (other than cigarettes) that were
Department of Revenue which indicates that you have overpaid in a
returned to the manufacturer. A copy of the manufacturer’s refund/credit
previous month. Failure to attach the credit letter issued by the Department
memo must be attached to substantiate this deduction. Failure to attach
may result in disallowance of or adjustment to Line 24.
such refund/credit memo may result in the disallowance of such deduction.
LINE 25: Enter the total of Line 22 plus Line 23 plus Line 24 to arrive at the
LINE 11: All tax-paid purchases from another Missouri licensed wholesaler
total allowable credit.
may be entered on Line 11. A copy of the invoice must be provided
LINE 26: Enter on Line 26 the total of Line 21 less Line 25. If the total
showing that the 10% tobacco tax was paid at the time of purchase.
results in credit due, you will be sent a “Letter of Credit” which may be used
LINE 12: This line is to be used only for deductions as specifically approved
at Line 24 of your next filed monthly report. IF THE TOTAL RESULTS IN A
by the Department. Enter the total manufacturer’s invoice price (before
discounts and/or deals) of all tobacco products (other than cigarettes) as
SIGN AND DATE RETURN: This return must be signed by the owner,
authorized, in writing, by the Missouri Department of Revenue. A copy of
partner or by the taxpayer’s authorized agent. Mail to: Taxation Division,
this authorization must be attached to substantiate this deduction.
Excise Tax, P.O. Box 3320, Jefferson City, MO 65105-3320.
MO 860-1644 (11-2010)