Form Tc 309 - Accountant'S Certification. Attachment To Application - 1998

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TC 309
The Tax Com mis sion of the City of New York
ver. 1/98
At tach ment to ap pli ca tion. Not valid if filed sepa rately.
IN STRUC TIONS: This form must ac com pany form TC 201, the Tax Com mis sion’s sched ule of in come and ex penses for rent- producing prop -
er ties, when sub mit ted for a par cel hav ing a ten ta tive ac tual as sessed valua tion of $1,000,000 or more. An ac count ant’s cer ti fi ca tion is re quired
only for rent- producing prop er ties. It is not re quired when the Tax Com mis sion pre scribes use of a sched ule other than form TC 201. The cer ti fi -
ca tion is lim ited to cer tain parts of the sched ule as in di cated in form TC201. The sched ule and this cer ti fi ca tion are a part of an ap pli ca tion for cor -
rec tion or sup ple men tal ap pli ca tion. They may not be sub mit ted sepa rately. The Tax Com mis sion has no author ity to ex tend the time for fil ing.
This form must not be con di tioned, modi fied or al tered in any re spect. (The use of the plu ral form includes the sin gu lar). It must be signed by an
in de pend ent cer ti fied pub lic ac count ant. This form and the sched ule which it ac com pa nies are sub ject to pub lic dis clo sure.
This cer ti fi ca tion is at tached to an ap pli ca tion iden ti fied as fol lows:
We have audited the ac com pa ny ing sched ule of in come and ex penses, Form TC 201, pre pared pur su ant to the re quire ments of the
Tax Com mis sion of the City of New York, of _________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________, the ap pli cant, re flect ing the op era tions of the prop erty iden ti fied as
_______________________________________________________________________________________, for the fis cal pe riod
___________/______________/______________ to ___________/______________/_____________
The sched ule is the re spon si bil ity of the ap pli cant. Our re spon si bil ity is to ex press an opin ion on this sched ule based on our audit.
We con ducted our audit in ac cor dance with gen er ally ac cepted audit ing stan dards. Those stan dards re quire that we plan and per form the
audit to ob tain rea son able as sur ance about whether the sched ule is free from ma te rial mis state ment. An audit in cludes ex am in ing, on a
test ba sis, evi dence sup port ing the amounts and dis clo sures in the sched ule. An audit also in cludes as sess ing the ac count ing prin ci ples
used and sig nifi cant es ti mates made by the ap pli cant, as well as evalu at ing the over all sched ule pres en ta tion. We be lieve that our audit
pro vides a rea son able ba sis for our opin ion.
The sched ule is pre sented pur su ant to the re quire ments of the Tax Com mis sion of the City of New York and on the ba sis of ac count ing
de scribed in the sched ule, and is not in tended to be a com plete pres en ta tion of the prop er ty’s reve nues and ex penses.
In our opin ion, the afore men tioned sched ule of in come and ex penses pres ents fairly, in all ma te rial re spects, the in for ma tion con tained
therein in con for mity with the ba sis of ac count ing de scribed in the sched ule.
This re port is pre pared solely for in for ma tion and use of the ap pli cant and for fil ing with the Tax Com mis sion of the City of New York
and should not be used for any other pur pose.
FIRM NAME (if any): _______________________________________________________________________________________
BY: _______________________________________________________________, CPA
NAME OF SIGNER: ___________________________________________________________________________
AD DRESS:__________________________________________________________________________________________________
DATE: ___________/______________/_____________
Page __________
TC 309


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