Claim For Reimbursement - Child And Adult Care Food Program Form


Claim Form for Reimbursement
PO Box 202925 Helena, MT 59620-2929
Fax: 406 444-2547
Institution: ______________________________________________________________
Claim Month_____________ 20_____
Claims are due on or before the 10th of each month. Claims not received within 60 days of the claim month will not be paid without
USDA approval for a one-time exception. [REF: 7 CFR 226.10(e)]
Refer to Claim Instructions to complete this page.
This claim form is available on the CACFP web at
Retain a copy for your files.
Center Information:
Monthly Attendance:
Total Number of CACFP
Meals Served to Children:
(4) Licensed Capacity
(9) Free
(13) Breakfast ________
(5) Number of Facilities
(10) Reduced
(14) Lunch
(6) Total Monthly Attendance _______
(11) Paid
(15) Supper
(7) Average Daily Attendance _______
(12) Total Enrolled _______
(16) Snack
(8) Total Days Meals Served
Refer to Monthly Attendance
Refer to Meal Participation
(6,8 refer to Meal Participation Record)
17. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this claim is true and correct, records are available to support it,
it is in accordance with an existing agreement and applicable licensing requirements, and payment has not be received. I
understand that this information is being given in receipt of federal funds and that deliberate misrepresentation of the
information may be subject me to prosecution under applicable state or federal laws.
18. For Profit Institutions Only: Free/Reduced Certification, See Claim Instruction #18
For Profit Institutions Only: Free/Reduced Certification, See Claim Instruction #18
This institution certifies that at least 25% of enrolled children or 25% of licensed capacity, whichever is less, are
This institution certifies that at least 25% of enrolled children or 25% of licensed capacity, whichever is less, are
classified as Free and Reduced. Completed IEF’s are on file to meet eligibility requirements for this reporting month.
classified as Free and Reduced. Completed IEF’s are on file to meet eligibility requirements for this reporting month.
# of F/R Participant _______
Total Enrollment _____
Licensed Capacity _____
. Authorized Signature__________________________________
Date __________________________
. Title _______________________________________________
. Phone _________________________


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