2011 Instructions For Schedule A (Form 1040) Page 5


from October 1 through December 31,
2. An aircraft or boat, if the tax rate was
If your mortgage payments include your
2011 (92 days). You would enter “1.189”
the same as the general sales tax rate.
real estate taxes, you can deduct only the
on line 3, figured as follows.
amount the mortgage company actually
3. A home (including a mobile home or
paid to the taxing authority in 2011.
prefabricated home) or substantial addition
January 1 –
to or major renovation of a home, but only
September 30:
1.00 x 273/365 =
if the tax rate was the same as the general
If you sold your home in 2011, any real
October 1 –
sales tax rate and any of the following ap-
estate tax charged to the buyer should be
December 31:
1.75 x 92/365 =
shown on your settlement statement and in
box 5 of any Form 1099-S you received.
a. Your state or locality imposes a gen-
This amount is considered a refund of real
What if you lived in more than one
eral sales tax directly on the sale of a home
estate taxes. See Refunds and rebates be-
locality in the same state during 2011?
or on the cost of a substantial addition or
low. Any real estate taxes you paid at clos-
Complete a separate worksheet for lines 2
major renovation.
ing should be shown on your settlement
through 6 for each locality in your state if
b. You purchased the materials to build
you lived in more than one locality in the
a home or substantial addition or to per-
same state during 2011 and either of the
form a major renovation and paid the sales
following applies.
You must look at your real es-
tax directly.
Each locality did not have the same
tate tax bill to decide if any non-
c. Under your state law, your contractor
local general sales tax rate.
deductible itemized charges,
is considered your agent in the construction
You lived in Los Angeles County,
such as those listed above, are
of the home or substantial addition or the
included in the bill. If your taxing authority
performance of a major renovation. The
(or lender) does not furnish you a copy of
contract must state that the contractor is
To figure the amount to enter on line 3
your real estate tax bill, ask for it.
of the worksheet for each locality in which
authorized to act in your name and must
you lived (except a locality for which you
follow your directions on construction de-
used the table on page A-14 to figure your
Refunds and rebates.
If you received a re-
cisions. In this case, you will be considered
local general sales tax deduction), multiply
fund or rebate in 2011 of real estate taxes
to have purchased any items subject to a
the local general sales tax rate by a fraction.
you paid in 2011, reduce your deduction by
sales tax and to have paid the sales tax
The numerator of the fraction is the number
the amount of the refund or rebate. If you
of days you lived in the locality during
received a refund or rebate in 2011 of real
2011 and the denominator is the total num-
estate taxes you paid in an earlier year, do
Do not include sales taxes paid on items
ber of days in the year (365).
not reduce your deduction by this amount.
used in your trade or business. If you re-
Instead, you must include the refund or re-
Example. You lived in Locality 1 from
ceived a refund of state or local general
bate in income on Form 1040, line 21, if
January 1 through August 31, 2011 (243
sales taxes in 2011, see Refund of general
you deducted the real estate taxes in the
days), and in Locality 2 from September 1
sales taxes .
earlier year and the deduction reduced your
through December 31, 2011 (122 days).
tax. See Recoveries in Pub. 525 for details
The local general sales tax rate for Locality
on how to figure the amount to include in
1 is 1%. The rate for Locality 2 is 1.75%.
Line 6
You would enter “0.666” on line 3 for the
Locality 1 worksheet and “0.585” for the
Real Estate Taxes
Locality 2 worksheet, figured as follows.
Line 7
Include taxes (state, local, or foreign) you
Locality 1:
1.00 x 243/365 =
paid on real estate you own that was not
Personal Property Taxes
Locality 2:
1.75 x 122/365 =
used for business, but only if the taxes are
based on the assessed value of the property.
Enter the state and local personal property
Also, the assessment must be made uni-
Line 6.
If you lived in more than one local-
taxes you paid, but only if the taxes were
ity in the same state during 2011, you
formly on property throughout the commu-
based on value alone and were imposed on
should have completed line 1 only on the
nity, and the proceeds must be used for
a yearly basis.
first worksheet for that state and separate
general community or governmental pur-
worksheets for lines 2 through 6 for any
poses. Pub. 530 explains the deductions
Example. You paid a yearly fee for the
other locality within that state in which you
homeowners can take.
registration of your car. Part of the fee was
lived during 2011. If you checked the
based on the car’s value and part was based
“Yes” box on line 6 of any of those work-
Do not include the following amounts
on its weight. You can deduct only the part
sheets, multiply line 5 of that worksheet by
on line 6.
of the fee that was based on the car’s value.
the amount that you entered on line 1 for
Itemized charges for services to spe-
that state on the first worksheet.
cific property or persons (for example, a
$20 monthly charge per house for trash col-
Line 7.
Enter on line 7 any state and local
Line 8
lection, a $5 charge for every 1,000 gallons
general sales taxes paid on the following
of water consumed, or a flat charge for
specified items. If you are completing more
Other Taxes
mowing a lawn that had grown higher than
than one worksheet, include the total for
If you had any deductible tax not listed on
permitted under a local ordinance).
line 7 on only one of the worksheets.
line 5, 6, or 7, list the type and amount of
Charges for improvements that tend to
1. A motor vehicle (including a car, mo-
tax. Enter only one total on line 8. Include
increase the value of your property (for ex-
torcycle, motor home, recreational vehicle,
on this line income tax you paid to a foreign
ample, an assessment to build a new side-
sport utility vehicle, truck, van, and
country or U.S. possession.
walk). The cost of a property improvement
off-road vehicle). Also include any state
is added to the basis of the property. How-
and local general sales taxes paid for a
ever, a charge is deductible if it is used only
You may want to take a credit
leased motor vehicle. If the state sales tax
to maintain an existing public facility in
for the foreign tax instead of a
rate on these items is higher than the gen-
service (for example, a charge to repair an
deduction. See the instructions
eral sales tax rate, only include the amount
existing sidewalk, and any interest included
for Form 1040, line 47, for de-
of tax you would have paid at the general
sales tax rate.
in that charge).


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