Increasing Access To Higher Education For Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Information - National Center For Homeless Education


Increasing Access to Higher Education for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth:
Information for Colleges and Universities
Each year, more than a million young people in the
United States experience homelessness; some of these
young people, known as unaccompanied homeless
youth, will face the challenges of homelessness while
living on their own without the support of a caring adult.
Unaccompanied homeless youth face the same struggles
as other young people: trying to do well in school, “fit
in”, and figure out what their future will look like. Without
adult guidance and support, however, they will face
these struggles while also working to provide for their own
Who is homeless?
Many of these youth hope to attend college, but wonder
(McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
how they will pay tuition without help from their parents,
Act – Title X, Part C of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act)
who will sign important paperwork on their behalf, how
they will juggle long work hours and schoolwork, and
The term “homeless children and youth”—
where they will stay when the dormitories close during
A. means individuals who lack a fixed,
holiday and summer breaks.
regular, and adequate nighttime
residence…; and
Fortunately, federal laws provide additional support for
B. includes —
this vulnerable population. To increase the awareness of
post-secondary educators and education administrators of
children and youths who are
sharing the housing of other
the issue of unaccompanied homeless youth, this brief will
persons due to loss of housing,
economic hardship, or similar
reason; are living in motels,
A better understanding of unaccompanied
hotels, trailer parks, or camping
homeless youth and the educational and other
grounds due to the lack of
challenges they face;
alternative accommodations; are
living in emergency or transitional
A summary of federal education legislation,
shelters; are abandoned in
including the McKinney-Vento Act and the
hospitals; or are awaiting foster
College Cost Reduction and Access Act, that
care placement;
gives unaccompanied homeless youth access to
children and youths who have a
important educational supports;
primary nighttime residence that
is a public or private place not
Samples of promising practices implemented by
designed for or ordinarily used as
high schools, colleges, and universities to assist
a regular sleeping accommodation
unaccompanied homeless youth in succeeding in
for human beings…
college; and
children and youths who are
Additional resources for more information.
living in cars, parks, public
spaces, abandoned buildings,
substandard housing, bus or train
stations, or similar settings; and
Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
migratory children who qualify as
homeless for the purposes of this
The primary piece of federal legislation dealing with the
subtitle because the children are
education of students experiencing homelessness is the
living in circumstances described
McKinney-Vento Act, reauthorized in 2002 by Title X, Part
in clauses (i) through (iii).
C, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The
National Center for Homeless Education □


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