Publication 547 - Casualties,disasters,and Thefts - 2002 Page 2


National Center for Missing and Exploited Chil-
We respond to many letters by telephone.
Terrorist attacks.
dren. Photographs of missing children selected
Therefore, it would be helpful if you would in-
by the Center may appear in this publication on
clude your daytime phone number, including the
pages that would otherwise be blank. You can
area code, in your correspondence.
Volcanic eruptions.
help bring these children home by looking at the
photographs and calling 1 – 800 – THE – LOST
Useful Items
Nondeductible losses. A casualty loss is not
(1 – 800 – 843 – 5678) if you recognize a child.
You may want to see:
deductible if the damage or destruction is
caused by the following.
Accidentally breaking articles such as
Selling Your Home
glassware or china under normal condi-
Taxable and Nontaxable Income
This publication explains the tax treatment of
Investment Income and Expenses
A family pet.
casualties, thefts, and losses on deposits. A
casualty occurs when your property is dam-
Basis of Assets
A fire if you willfully set it, or pay someone
aged as a result of a disaster such as a storm,
else to set it.
Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss
fire, car accident, or similar event. A theft occurs
Workbook (Personal-Use Property)
A car accident if your willful negligence or
when someone steals your property. A loss on
willful act caused it. The same is true if the
deposits occurs when your financial institution
584B Business Casualty, Disaster, and
willful act or willful negligence of someone
becomes insolvent or bankrupt.
Theft Loss Workbook
acting for you caused the accident.
This publication discusses the following top-
Form (and Instructions)
Progressive deterioration (explained next).
Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized
Definitions of a casualty, theft, and loss on
Progressive deterioration. Loss of prop-
erty due to progressive deterioration is not de-
Schedule D (Form 1040) Capital Gains
How to figure the amount of your gain or
ductible as a casualty loss. This is because the
and Losses
damage results from a steadily operating cause
or a normal process, rather than from a sudden
4684 Casualties and Thefts
How to treat insurance and other reim-
event. The following are examples of damage
bursements you receive.
4797 Sales of Business Property
due to progressive deterioration.
The deduction limits.
See How To Get Tax Help near the end of
The steady weakening of a building due to
this publication for information about getting
When and how to report a casualty or
normal wind and weather conditions.
publications and forms.
The deterioration and damage to a water
The special rules for disaster area losses.
heater that bursts. However, the rust and
water damage to rugs and drapes caused
by the bursting of a water heater does
Forms to file. When you have a casualty or
qualify as a casualty.
theft, you have to file Form 4684. You will also
have to file one or more of the following forms.
A casualty is the damage, destruction, or loss of
Most losses of property caused by
property resulting from an identifiable event that
droughts. To be deductible, a drought-re-
Schedule A (Form 1040).
is sudden, unexpected, or unusual.
lated loss generally must be incurred in a
Schedule D (Form 1040).
trade or business or in a transaction en-
A sudden event is one that is swift, not
tered into for profit.
Form 4797.
gradual or progressive.
Termite or moth damage.
For details on which form to use, see How To
An unexpected event is one that is ordi-
Report Gains and Losses, later.
narily unanticipated and unintended.
The damage or destruction of trees,
shrubs, or other plants by a fungus, dis-
An unusual event is one that is not a
Condemnations. For information on condem-
ease, insects, worms, or similar pests.
day-to-day occurrence and that is not typi-
nations of property, see Involuntary Conver-
However, a sudden destruction due to an
cal of the activity in which you were en-
sions in chapter 1 of Publication 544.
unexpected or unusual infestation of beet-
les or other insects may result in a casu-
Workbooks for casualties and thefts. Publi-
alty loss.
cation 584 is available to help you make a list of
Deductible losses. Deductible casualty
your stolen or damaged personal-use property
losses can result from a number of different
and figure your loss. It includes schedules to
causes, including the following.
help you figure the loss on your home and its
Car accidents (but see Nondeductible
contents, and your motor vehicles.
losses, next, for exceptions).
Publication 584B is available to help you
make a list of your stolen or damaged business
A theft is the taking and removing of money or
or income-producing property and figure your
property with the intent to deprive the owner of it.
Fires (but see Nondeductible losses, next,
The taking of property must be illegal under the
for exceptions).
law of the state where it occurred and it must
Comments and suggestions. We welcome
have been done with criminal intent.
your comments about this publication and your
Theft includes the taking of money or prop-
Government-ordered demolition or reloca-
suggestions for future editions.
erty by the following means.
tion of a home that is unsafe to use be-
You can e-mail us while visiting our web site
cause of a disaster as discussed under
Disaster Area Losses, later.
You can write to us at the following address:
Mine cave-ins.
Internal Revenue Service
Tax Forms and Publications
Sonic booms.
Kidnapping for ransom.
1111 Constitution Ave. NW
Storms, including hurricanes and torna-
Washington, DC 20224
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