Oge Form 450 - Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report Page 3


can make an informed judgment as to compliance
D. Reporting Periods
with applicable conflict of interest laws and standards
of conduct regulations.
New entrant reports: The reporting period is the
preceding twelve months from the date of filing.
This form consists of five parts, which require
identification of certain specific financial interests
Annual reports:
The reporting period covers
October 1 through September 30 (or that portion not
VALUES IS REQUIRED. You must complete each
covered by a new entrant report). However, no report
part (except as indicated for Part V) and sign the
is required if you performed the duties of your position
report. If you have no information to report in any
for less than 61 days during that twelve-month
A. Why You Must File
part or do not meet the threshold values for reporting,
period. (All reappointed or redesignated SGE's file
check the “None” box. New entrants and SGEs are
reports, regardless of the number of days worked).
This report is a safeguard for you as well as the
not required to complete Part V.
Government. It provides a mechanism for determining
actual or potential conflicts between your public
You must include information applicable to
E. Where To File
responsibilities and your private interests and
yourself, your spouse, and dependent children on
activities. This allows you and your agency to fashion
Parts I, II and V.
This is required because their
With ethics officials at the agency in which you serve
appropriate protections against such conflicts.
financial interests are attributed to you under ethics
or will serve, or in accordance with their procedures.
rules in determining conflicts of interest. Information
about your spouse is not required in the case of
divorce, permanent separation, or temporary
B. Who Must File
F. Definitions
separation with the intention of terminating the
marriage or permanently separating. Parts III and IV
Agencies are required to designate positions at or
require disclosures about yourself only.
Dependent Child - means your son, daughter,
below GS-15, O-6, or comparable pay rates, in which
stepson, or stepdaughter if such person is either:
the nature of duties may involve a potential conflict
You may distinguish any entry for a family
of interest.
Examples include contracting,
(1) unmarried, under age 21, and living in
member by preceding it with S for spouse, DC for
procurement, administering grants and licenses,
dependent child, or J for jointly held.
your household; or
regulating/auditing non-Federal entities, other
(2) a “dependent” of yours for Federal
activities having a substantial economic effect on
income tax purposes. See 26 U.S.C.
non-Federal entities, or law enforcement.
Part I: Assets & Income
All special Government employees (SGEs) must file,
Honoraria - means payments (direct or indirect) of
unless exempted by their agency or subject to the
money or anything of value to you or your spouse for
public reporting system. Agencies may also require
an appearance, speech or article, excluding necessary
Report all assets held for investment or for the
certain employees in positions above GS-15, O-6, or
travel expenses.
Also included are payments to
production of income by you, your spouse, and
a comparable pay rate to file.
charities in lieu of honoraria.
dependent children, with a value greater than
$1,000 at the end of the reporting period or
which produced more than $200 in income
Special Government Employee (SGE) - is defined in
C. When To File
during the reporting period.
18 U.S.C. 202(a) as: an officer or employee of an
agency who performs temporary duties, with or
New entrant reports: Due within 30 days of assuming
Salary and Earned Income:
without compensation, for not more than 130 days in
a position designated for filing, unless your agency
a period of 365 days, either on a full-time or
requests the report earlier. No report is required if
For yourself: report all sources of salary and
intermittent basis.
you left another filing position within 30 days prior to
earned income greater than $200 during the
assuming the new position. (SGEs must file new
reporting period.
reports upon each reappointment or redesignation,
G. General Instructions
at the time specified by the agency.)
For your spouse: report all sources of salary
and earned income if greater than $1,000 (for
Filers must provide sufficient information about
Annual reports: Due not later than October 31,
honoraria, if greater than $200).
outside interests and activities so that ethics officials
unless extended by your agency.


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