(Un iform Ow ner-Re sident Relations Ac t)
To :
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _, and all othe r occ upa nts
_____________________________________________________________________ Unit: _____________ _
______________________________________________________________, New Mexico ____________ _
You are n otified that you a re in no nco m plianc e with th e ren tal agre em ent or sep arate agre em ent conc erning the prem ises at:
_____________________________________________________________________ Unit: _____________ _
______________________________________________________________, New Mexico ____________ _
by failure to pay rent as follows:
$ _______________________
$ _______________________
$ _______________________
Late Fee:
$ _______________________
Total Due:
$ _______________________
If the tota l due is not paid within three (3) days from the date of delivery set out below, the rental agreement shall be terminated.
Failure to pay the total due, in the manner stated below, will result in a legal action against you.
Pa ym ent will be acc epted only by:
Money Order
Cashiers or Certified Check
Personal Check
Dated this ____________ day of ___________________, __________
By: ______________________________________________________
Own er
As Agent for _________________________________________
(name of owner or property)
Personally delivered to Resident
Posted and Mailed
Service of Notice:
Ma iled:
First C lass m ail
Ce rtifie d M ail
Delivered or Posted:
Mailed From: __________________________________
__________________________, ___________
___________________________, ___________
(person delivering or posting notice)
(person mailing notice)
SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS: Mailing is not required if personal delivery is accomplished or if notice is posted. If mailed, posting is not required, but
recommended in addition to mailing. A posted notice must be affixed to a door by taping all sides or placed in a fixture or receptacle designed for notices.
The location of the mail box from which notice is mailed is also recommended information.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PARTY GIVING NOTICE: 1. Include the names of all residents who signed the rental agreement. 2. The party giving notice should
retain two (2) copies for possible court action. 3. If the premises is an apartment, include the name of the apartments and the apartment number.
WHITE - Owner
YELLOW - Resident
PINK - File
Printed by the Apartment Association of New Mexico
AANM FORM NO. 303 (0799)