Instructions For Form 8582 - Passive Activity Loss Limitations - 2006 Page 11


See the forms and schedules listed
and enter the result on the net profit or
gain as “FPA.” Enter any allowed
under How To Report Allowed Losses
loss line.
losses for Schedule D or Form 4797 on
beginning below. Also, see Pub. 925 for
the appropriate line, and to the left of
Example. Schedule C shows net
an extensive example of how to report
the entry space, enter “PAL.”
profit for the year of $5,000 from a
passive income and losses on the
passive activity. The activity also has a
Entire disposition with an overall
forms and schedules.
Form 4797 gain of $2,500 and a prior
loss. If you made an entire disposition
year unallowed Schedule C loss of
of your interest in a passive activity and
How To Report
$6,000. The loss allowed for 2006 is
that activity had an overall loss, none of
$6,000. You enter a net loss of $1,000
the gains, if any, or losses were
Allowed Losses
on line 31 of Schedule C (the $5,000
entered on Form 8582 or the
net profit for the year less the $6,000
Line 4 is income. If line 4 of Form
worksheets. However, all the gains and
loss allowed for the year). To the left of
8582 shows net income or zero, all the
losses must be reported on the forms
the entry space, you enter “PAL.”
losses in columns (b) and (c) of
or schedules normally used. To the left
Worksheets 1 and 3 and all the
of the entry space, enter “EDPA.”
See Schedule D and Form 4797
deductions in columns (a) and (b) of
instructions on this page if you also had
Entire disposition with an overall
Worksheet 2 are allowed in full. Report
passive gains and losses from the sale
gain. Gains and losses from this
the income and losses in columns (a),
of assets or of an interest in a passive
activity were included on Form 8582 so
(b), and (c) of Worksheets 1 and 3 and
that the gains might offset other PALs.
deductions in columns (a) and (b) of
Report all the gains and losses on the
Schedule E, Part I. Enter the allowed
Worksheet 2 on the forms and
forms and schedules normally used,
loss from the worksheet on line 23 of
schedules normally used.
and to the left of the entry space, enter
Schedule E. An activity that has net
Line 16 is the same as the total of
profit for the year and prior year
lines 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 3b, and 3c. In
unallowed losses will have net profit on
Publicly Traded
this case also, all the losses in columns
line 22 and the allowed loss on line 23.
(b) and (c) of Worksheets 1 and 3 and
The allowed loss on line 23 will include
Partnerships (PTPs)
all the deductions in columns (a) and
the loss allowed to the extent of the net
(b) of Worksheet 2 are allowed in full.
profit. Line 24 of Schedule E will show
A PTP is a partnership whose interests
Report the income and losses in
total net profit and line 25 will show
are traded on an established securities
columns (a), (b), and (c) of Worksheets
total losses allowed (both passive and
market or are readily tradable on a
1 and 3 and deductions in columns (a)
nonpassive). Line 26 will show the total
secondary market (or its substantial
and (b) of Worksheet 2 on the forms
net profit or loss.
and schedules normally used.
Schedule E, Parts II and III. Any net
An established securities market
Columns (a) and (c) of Worksheet 4
income shown on your Schedule K-1
includes any national securities
are the same amount. In this case, all
that is passive income must be entered
exchange and any local exchange
the losses in columns (b) and (c) of
as passive income in the appropriate
registered under the Securities
Worksheet 1 and all the deductions in
column of Schedule E, Part II or III.
Exchange Act of 1934 or exempted
columns (a) and (b) of Worksheet 2 are
Enter the passive loss allowed from
from registration because of the limited
allowed in full. Report the income and
Worksheet 6 or 7 in the appropriate
volume of transactions. It also includes
losses in columns (a), (b), and (c) of
column for passive losses. The passive
any over-the-counter market.
Worksheet 1 and the deductions in
losses allowed include the loss allowed
A secondary market generally exists
columns (a) and (b) of Worksheet 2 on
to the extent of any net income from the
if a person stands ready to make a
the forms and schedules normally used.
activity. Passive net income or loss
market in the interest. An interest is
reportable on Schedule E, Part II,
Losses allowed in column (c) of
treated as readily tradable if the interest
includes any self-charged interest
Worksheet 6. The amounts in column
is regularly quoted by persons, such as
income and deductions treated as
(c) of Worksheet 6 are the losses or
brokers or dealers, who are making a
passive activity income and deductions.
deductions allowed for 2006 for the
market in the interest.
activities listed in that worksheet.
See Schedule D and Form 4797
The substantial equivalent of a
Report the loss allowed from column (c)
instructions on this page if you also had
secondary market exists if there is no
of Worksheet 6 and the income, if any,
passive gains or losses from the sale of
identifiable market maker, but holders
for that activity from column (a) of
assets or of an interest in a passive
of interests have a readily available,
Worksheet 1 or 3, on the form or
regular, and ongoing opportunity to sell
schedule normally used.
Form 4684, Section B. Any passive
or exchange interests through a public
Losses allowed in column (e) of
activity gain from Form 4684 is
means of obtaining or providing
Worksheet 7. The amounts in column
unchanged. It was used on Form 8582
information on offers to buy, sell, or
(e) of Worksheet 7 are the losses or
to determine allowable PALs. If you do
exchange interests. Similarly, the
deductions allowed for 2006 for the
not have passive losses on Form 4684,
substantial equivalent of a secondary
activity listed on that worksheet. Report
complete Form 4684 and follow the
market exists if prospective buyers and
the losses allowed from column (e) of
instructions for that form for where to
sellers have the opportunity to buy, sell,
Worksheet 7 and the income, if any, for
report the gain.
or exchange interests in a timeframe
that activity from column (a) of
If you have passive losses on Form
and with the regularity and continuity
Worksheet 1 or 3, on the forms or
4684, cross through the amount you
that the existence of a market maker
schedules normally used.
first entered on line 34, 35, 41a, 41b, or
would provide.
Schedules C and F, and Form 4835.
42 of that form, and enter the allowed
Special Instructions for PTPs
Enter on the net profit or loss line of
loss from the worksheet. To the left of
your schedule or form the allowed
the entry space, enter “PAL.”
Section 469(k) provides that the
passive loss from the worksheet. To the
Schedule D and Form 4797. If you
passive activity limitations must be
left of the entry space enter “PAL.”
sold assets from a passive activity or
applied separately to items from each
If the net profit or loss line on your
you sold an interest in your passive
PTP. PALs from a PTP generally may
form or schedule shows net profit for
activity, all gains from the activity must
be used only to offset income or gain
the year, reduce the net profit by the
be entered on the appropriate line of
from passive activities of the same
allowed loss from Worksheet 6 or 7,
Schedule D or Form 4797. Identify the
PTP. The special allowance (including


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