West Virginia Claim for Refund or Credit of
Consumer Sales and Service Tax Instructions
General Information
and issuance of any refund check.
the West Virginia Claim for refund or Credit of
preparer information:
Consumer sales tax paid to a Vendor/reseller (Cst-
Enter all preparer information for each field. This
240) is used to claim a refund or credit of sales tax paid
includes name, phone, and mailing address. this
to vendors for purchases that are exempt or used in an
information will be used for correspondence regarding
exempt manner.
the claim. power of attorney is required for 3rd party
Claims for Refund or Credit may also be filed online at
taxable periods included in the Claim:
enter the beginning and ending dates of the tax periods
Any person who has paid the tax and qualifies for an
corresponding to the claim. One Cst-240 may be used
exemption, refund, or credit may file a claim for refund
for multiple tax periods; however, the total period for
or credit within three years of the due date of the tax
which the claim includes should be limited to either
return or within two years of the date the tax was paid.
monthly, Quarterly, or annual. the starting date must
be the first day of a month and the ending date must be
note: the tax Department will reject claims for refund
the last day of a month.
or credit if any part of the required information is not
provided and/or the information is not in the specified
Line a: WV state sales tax:
enter the total amount of WV state sales tax being
claimed for refund or credit on the schedule Cst-240/
Required Information
Cst-240 import spreadsheet.
1. Form Cst-240: Current version must besubmitted,
Line B: municipal sales tax:
signed and dated.
enter the total amount of municipal sales tax being
claimed for refund or credit on the schedule Cst-240/
2. schedule Cst-240: Used for claims with 25 exempt
Cst-240 import spreadsheet.
items or less.
Line C: total Claim for refund or Credit:
3. Cst-240 import spreadsheet: Claims over 25
enter the total of line a + line B.
items, individually list each exempt item.
Line D: amount of refund:
4. Copies of all invoices and/or credit memos for the
specify the amount to be issued as a refund from
entire claim.
the total claim for refund or credit (Line C). Failure to
5. Power of Attorney (if applicable): Must be filled out
specify a refund amount will result in the issuance of a
correctly, signed, and dated.
credit to be used on a future sales tax liability.
see instructions for completing the schedule Cst-240/
Line e: amount of Credit:
Cst-240 import spreadsheet.
specify the amount that is to be issued as credit to the
Consumer sales refund account, from the total claim
see instructions for completing the schedule Cst-
for refund or credit (Line C). this will be used towards
240/Cst-240 import spreadsheet – supporting Detail.
a future sales tax liability.
Instructions for Completing the Form CST-240
Credit transfers to a tax account or period:
taxpayer information
specify the tax account and period for which credit
Enter all taxpayer information for each field. This
requested on Line e should be applied.
includes sales & Use tax account number, Fein/ssn,
Basis for Claiming refund or Credit:
name, phone, and mailing address. the information
provide a detailed explanation of the exemption(s) that
will be used for correspondence regarding the claim
West Virginia state tax Department
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Cst-240 instructions – reV. 6-16