Instructions For Form Ct-1 X - Adjusted Employer'S Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return Or Claim For Refund Page 6


6a Through 6c: Tier I Employer
Is not employed by you to replace another employee unless
the other employee separated from employment voluntarily or
for cause (including downsizing); and
Is not related to you. An employee is related to you if he or
Line 6a. Correcting Total Tier I
she is your child or a descendent of your child, your sibling or
Employer –Compensation
stepsibling, your parent or ancestor or your parent, your
If you are correcting the compensation (other than tips and sick
stepparent, your niece or nephew, your aunt or uncle, or your
pay) for the Tier I Employer tax you reported on line 1a of Form
in-law. An employee is also related to you if he or she is related
CT-1, enter the total corrected amount for all employees in
to anyone who owns more than 50% of your outstanding stock
column 1. In column 2, enter the amount you originally reported.
or capital and profits interest or is your dependent or a
In column 3, enter the difference between columns 1 and 2. If
dependent of anyone who owns more than 50% of your
you (or the IRS) previously corrected the amount reported on
outstanding stock or capital and profits interest.
line 1a of Form CT-1, enter in column 2 the amount after any
Exempt compensation is compensation paid to qualified
previous corrections.
employees for which you are exempt from paying your share
(6.2%) of the Tier I employer tax.
line 6a (column 1)
For more information about the employer’s Tier I tax
-line 6a (column 2)
exemption, visit and enter the keywords “HIRE Act” in
line 6a (column 3)
If the amount in column 2 is larger than
the amount in column 1, use a minus
the search box.
sign in column 3.
6b. Number of qualified employees paid exempt
Multiply the amount in column 3 by .062 (6.2% tax rate) and
compensation including sick pay April 1-December 31,
enter the result in column 4.
2010. Enter on line 6b (column 1) the total corrected number
of qualified employees paid compensation including sick pay to
line 6a (column 3)
which you applied the employer’s Tier I tax exemption. Enter on
line 6b (column 2) the total number of qualified employees
line 6a (column 4)
If the amount in column 3 used a minus sign,
originally reported on line 1c of the previously filed Form CT-1.
also use a minus sign in column 4.
On line 6b (column 3), enter the difference between columns 1
Example — Tier I Employer compensation decreased.
and 2.
You reported $9,000 as Tier I Employer compensation in
Be sure to explain the reasons for this correction on line 21.
computing the tax on line 1b of your 2010 Form CT-1. In
December of 2011, you discovered that you included $2,000 in
If you make a correction to line 6b, then you must
compensation for one of your employees twice. To correct the
complete line 6c.
error, figure the difference on Form CT-1 X as shown.
6c. Exempt compensation (other than tips and sick pay)
Column 1 (corrected amount)
paid to qualified employees after March 31. Enter on line 6c
Column 2 (from line 1a of Form CT-1)
- 9,000.00
(column 1) the total corrected amount from line 1d of the
Column 3 (difference)
- 2,000.00
previously filed Form CT-1. Enter on line 6c (column 2) the
Use the difference in column 3 to determine your tax
amount you originally reported or as previously corrected. On
line 6c (column 3), enter the difference between columns 1 and
2. If the amount in column 2 is larger than the amount in column
Column 3 (difference)
1, use a minus sign in column 3.
Tax rate (6.2%)
x .062
Multiply the amount in column 3 by .062 (6.2% tax rate) and
Column 4 (tax correction)
enter that result in column 4. However, to properly show the
correction as a credit or balance due item, enter a positive
Be sure to explain the reasons for this correction on line 21.
number in column 3 as a negative number in column 4 or a
Correcting Tier I Employer RRTA Tax Exemption
negative number in column 3 as a positive number in column 4.
See Correcting Tier I Employer RRTA Tax Exemption on this
Lines 6b and 6c apply only for 2010.
page for the definition of qualified employee and exempt
Be sure to explain the reasons for this correction on line 21.
Complete lines 6b, 6c, and 12b to correct the payroll tax
If you make a correction to line 6c, then you must
exemption for your share (6.2%) of Tier I Employer Tax on
complete line 6b.
exempt compensation paid to one or more qualified employees.
You must be a qualified employer to qualify for the Tier I
7. Tier I Employer Medicare Tax—Compensation
employer tax exemption. A qualified employer is any employer
other than federal, state, and any related governmental entities.
If you are correcting the compensation (other than tips and sick
All public institutions of higher education and Indian tribal
pay) for the Tier I Employer Medicare tax you reported on line 2
governments are also qualified employers. For more
of Form CT-1, enter the total corrected amount in column 1. In
information regarding the employer’s RRTA tax exemption, visit
column 2, enter the amount you originally reported or as and enter the keywords “HIRE Act” in the search box.
previously corrected. In column 3, enter the difference between
columns 1 and 2.
You may elect not to claim the Tier I exemption for a
qualified employee. The election is made by not including that
line 7 (column 1)
employee’s compensation on lines 1c through 1d and line 7c of
-line 7 (column 2)
Form CT-1.
line 7 (column 3)
If the amount in column 2 is larger
A qualified employee is an employee who:
than the amount in column 1, use a
Begins employment with you after February 3, 2010, and
minus sign in column 3.
before January 1, 2011;
Multiply the amount in column 3 by .0145 (1.45% tax rate)
Certifies by signed affidavit (Form W-11, Hiring Incentives to
and enter that result in column 4.
Restore Employment (HIRE) Act Employee Affidavit, or similar
statement) under penalties of perjury that he or she has not
line 7 (column 3)
been employed for more than 40 hours during the 60-day
x .0145
period (including 2009) ending on the date the employee begins
line 7 (column 4)
If the amount in column 3 used a minus sign,
employment with you;
also use a minus sign in column 4.
Instructions for Form CT-1 X (2011)


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