Publication 5258 - Federal Tax Deposits Page 18


The ABCs of Federal Tax Deposits
how does eftps actually Work?
You make contact with EFTPS by telephone, using the toll-free phone number
1-800-555-3453, or by visiting the EFTPS website, This automated
system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You should initiate your
payment no later than 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time the day before your deposit is due.
After establishing contact:
What it means
employer identification
Enter your EIN and a personal identification number (PIN) and Internet pass-
number (ein): A
permanent identification
number assigned to each
Enter the amount, form number, tax period and the date you want the money
business to use when
withdrawn from your account.
making tax deposits and
for filing all required tax
Your funds will be transferred from your account directly to the United States
Treasury account on the date you specify, for the amount you specify. No one
has unauthorized access to your account information.
When using EFTPS, make sure your bank account contains sufficient
funds to cover your tax transfer.
how do i sign up for eftps?
Enroll online at , or call 1-800-555-4477 to request an enrollment
form. After you complete the enrollment form, EFTPS will send you a Confirmation
Packet, including a step-by-step Payment Instruction Booklet and the telephone
numbers for accessing EFTPS.
does the eftps system have safeguards to prevent unauthor-
ized access?
When you use EFTPS, you receive a personal identification number (PIN), that must
be used in combination with your EIN to gain access to EFTPS. You have complete
and exclusive control over your PIN. The IRS does not have access to your PIN. And
if you make your payments online, you will also use an Internet Password, as an
additional safeguard when using the Internet.
how do i prove that i have made an electronic deposit?
With EFTPS, you will receive an immediate acknowledgment number when you
complete the transaction. The acknowledgment number will verify you have
timely initiated your payment. In addition, the funds transfer will appear on your
bank statement.


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