Division of Children and Family Services
Site: ________________________________
Early Childhood Education Programs
Introduction Date:
Family Partnership Agreement
Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________
Do you have other children enrolled in Head Start or Early Head Start? Yes No If yes, complete the following information for each child.
Child’s Name:______________________________ Site:______________________________ Teacher: _____________________________
Child’s Name:______________________________ Site:______________________________ Teacher: _____________________________
Goal Status: Family Not Ready, Reason and Date: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pre-Existing Goal, List agency name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
New Goal
(Pre-existing goal/plan sample agencies: Education, Health, Disabilities, Mental Health, CalWorks, CPS, Foster Care, Probation)
Goal Description: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Family Engagement Outcome Category (Select only one):
Family Well-being
Parent-Child Relationships
Family as Lifelong Educators
Family as Learners
Family Engagement in Transitions
Family Connection to Peers and Community
Families as Advocates and Leaders
Action Steps to be taken by Family Member or Staff
Target Date
(For pre-existing goals - Only document information, resources, or referrals that will be provided by staff to support the pre-existing goal)
Expected Date of Completion: _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________ Staff Signature: __________________________ Date: _________________
Goal Follow Up: #1 Date:______________ Staff Initials:______________ As needed #3 Date:______________ Staff Initials:______________
#2 Date:______________ Staff Initials:______________ As needed #4 Date:______________ Staff Initials:______________
ChildPlus Report #4110 must be attached with each follow up action.
Form No. 4758T-E (Revised 05/15)