Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to a new school year at Holy Family School! We invite you to share your time and talents with us as a volunteer. Listed below
are areas where we need volunteers. Please consider volunteering in any area that interests you. If you have questions regarding a
particular area, please contact the chairperson listed, a Home & School board member, or the office.
Please complete the attached form and return it to the school office by September 15, 2015. Thank you! (Please note that dates listed are
tentative and are subject to change. Also note that ANY help is appreciated)
1. WELCOMING COMMITTEE Group of parents who have experience in our school to help new school families get
acquainted with our school and the various activities and events that take place throughout the year. Will assist with and
participate in preschool and kindergarten welcoming event as well as Safety Village in August. Will also assist with other social
events for the various grade levels (dances, etc.).
ROOM PARENTS Head homeroom parent will assist teachers on field trips, supervise classrooms if teacher is needed for
meetings, provide refreshments for classroom parties, assist with Catholic Schools Week activities, assist with Field Day,
coordinate classroom games for Family Fun Night, & attend all Home & School Alliance Meetings. Head homeroom parent
will coordinate other room parents to assist if s/he is not available for certain events or if additional assistance is needed.
BOOK FAIR Assist children with selection of books during their scheduled classroom time; assist with setup and tear down of
book fair displays; assist chair with check out procedures. Set-up is November 6th, and runs until November 10, 2015.
BEERAPALOOZA Assist with planning this fall fundraiser, scheduled to be held November 14, 2015.
SANTA’S WORKSHOP Assist children with shopping and gift wrapping as well as setup, organization and tear down of event.
Scheduled for November 30 and December 1 and 2, 2015.
FAMILY FUN NIGHT Coordination of games, food, children’s auction and ticket sales for this all school event to be held
February 6, 2015. Head homeroom parents coordinate games in individual classrooms – volunteers are needed for areas outside
of individual classrooms as well.
REVERSE RAFFLE Committees to plan and coordinate the Annual Reverse Raffle, including ticket sales, silent auction &
Chinese auction. Main Fundraiser for our school. To be held on Saturday, March 19, 2015.
grade students to coordinate invitations, banquet reservations, menu set-up and
clean up for the dinner following 8
grade graduation ceremonies to be held in June , 2015.
SWAP SHOP Collection and maintaining storage area of donated and used uniforms.
10. PRINCIPAL’S ACADEMIC AWARDS BANQUET Work with Ms. Stoops to plan annual banquet to honor students in
grades 6, 7 & 8 for academic achievement.
11. PLAYGROUND VOLUNTEERS Supervise children during recess. Days are flexible for regular volunteers. Also need
substitute volunteers on an as needed basis. Please contact the school office for more information 330-757-3713.
12. CAFETERIA VOLUNTEERS Take tickets, pass out milk, sell chips/snacks and collect & clean trays. Days are flexible for
regular volunteers. Also in need of substitute volunteers on an as needed basis. Please contact the school office for more
information 330-757-3713.
13. FIELD DAY Help with individual classrooms taking them from event to event. Helping with snack and lunch. June, 2015.
14. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Assist with activities during the week. Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2015.