Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet
Please Complete & Return to the School
St. Joseph Home & School Association needs you to volunteer for the 2015/2016 school year. Please take a moment to complete this
form and return to school by June 1. Our dedicated volunteers have raised thousands of dollars over the past several years to
improve our school. WE NEED YOU!! Thank you for volunteering!
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home Phone:
(Please Print)
Cell Phone:
Grade(s) your child(ren) will be enrolled in FALL 2015:
All Events held at the school require completion of STAND.
*Please Inidicate which parent (M-Mother, F-Father, B - Both)
Yes, I want to
Please Call with
Family Bowling: lane check-in, food, siblings welcome
Skateland: check in, food,
Outerwear Sale: collecting orders, distributing
Chik-Fil-A Night: raffles, coupons
Market Days: (monthly) collect and distribute order
5K: (April) planning, and/or day of event
Ice Skating: (Dec) ticket seller, rink help, siblings welcomed
Pictures Day: money counters, proof distributions (daytime hours) phone people, siblings welcome
8th Grade Composite:
Hot Lunch Program: (Oct-May) monty counters, and lunch distribution, daytime Tuesday or Thursday (Pizza)
Pizza Day: (1st & 3rd Thursday of Each Month)
Hot Dog Day: (2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:30-12:30PM)
Chic-Fil-A Day: (1st Tueday of each month, 11:00-12:30PM)
Subway Day (2nd & 4th Thursday of each month)
Hamburger Day: (4th Tuesday of each month, 11:00-12:00PM)
Arby's Day: (3rd Tuesday of each month, 10:30-12:30PM)
Good Taste Catering (Mondays - delivery food only 11:30-12:30)
Grandparents Day: Classroom, church, parking lot (NO SIBLINGS)
Campbell's Labels: cut, tally orders, and bundle labels at home
Lifestyle Wrapping Paper: (Sept./Oct.) count orders, help distribute
Santa Secret Workshop: helps Santa with production summer-winter
Family Bingo: help at door, food sales, raffles, etc.
Cash Bingo: food, ticket sales, raffles, help at door, runners
Kids Coupon Books: Distribute books, collect money, coordinate with classes
Lunch with Santa: crafts, food, games
Candy Sale: tally orders, distribute items
Used Uniform Sale: (May) help collecting sale items and with sales
Wine Tasting/Casino Night: planning, sales, raffles, baskets
Spirit Night: Monthly restaurant night -
Joe Corbi's Pizza: tally orders, distribute items
Golf Tournament: (Father's Club) planning, day of event activities
Father's Club Father/Daughter Event: (Jan.) planning, night of event
Father's Club Mother/Son event (April) planning, night of event
School Donations
Yes, my business or employer may be able to make a donation to the school. Donations will be used for prizes for
various fundraisers. Please complete, if can help.
Employer Name:
Telephone #
Best Person to Contact:
Job / Talent Bank
We would like to creat a job/talent bank. We would use your skills when we have special project to complete around
the school. All job/talents are needed. Examples: computer hardware / software specialists may be needed in the
computer lab, printing specialists could help with our printing needs. In addition your talents/skills may be of help to a
teacher at the school when teaching a particular subject matter.
Talents / Skills: