History Of The World 3500 Bc - 500 Ad Timeline Project Page 3


4 Outstanding
3 Meets Expectations
2 Almost There
1 Needs Work
Included events are important and
Most of the included events
Some events included are
Many major events are
interesting. No major details are
are important or interesting.
trivial, and major events are
excluded, and too many trivial
Quality of Content
One or two major events may
events are included.
be missing
The timeline contains 18- 20 events
The timeline contains at least
The timeline contains at least
The timeline contains fewer
Quality of Facts
related to the time period.
17 – 18 events related to the
14 – 16 events related to the
than 13 events.
topic being studied.
topic being studied.
Facts are accurate for all events
Facts are accurate for almost
Facts are accurate for most of
Facts are often inaccurate for
Accuracy of Content
reported in the timeline.
all events reported on the
the events reported on the
events reported on the
timeline (75%)
Events are clearly described using
Events are described well, but
Events are not described well
Events are described using
Sentence Fluency
accurate and vivid language.
language is sometimes vague
and language is often vague
vague language or inaccurate
or inaccurate.
or inaccurate.
Punctuation, spelling, and
Punctuation, spelling, and
Punctuation, spelling, and
There are many punctuation,
capitalization were checked and are
capitalization are mostly
capitalization are mostly
spelling, and capitalization
correct throughout.
correct .
correct but were not checked.
The use of colors is consistent and
The use of colors is consistent
The use of colors is consistent
The use of colors is not
shows a logical pattern. It helps
and shows a logical pattern
but is not used effectively to
consistent or detracts from
organize the material.
for the most part. It helps
organize the material.
the organization.
organize the material
Worked on the task until completed.
Worked on the task until
Placed some effort into the
Placed very little effort into
Pushed to continue working on task
completed. Pushed to
task, but stopped when
the task.
even when difficulties arose and
continue working on the task
difficulties arose.
viewed difficulties as opportunities
even when difficulties arose.
to strengthen understanding.
Visually striking; use of graphics
Clear and uncluttered; use of
Legible; use of graphics is
Illegible and messy; use of
Visual Presentation
effectively communicates historical
graphics support historical
graphics is minimal to non-
Score: ______


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