Form Ita-4093p - Application For An Export Trade Certificate Of Review - U.s. Department Of Commerce Page 3

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ITEM 5: A copy of each member’s most recent annual report, if any, and that of its controlling entity, if any.
To the extent the information is not included in the annual report, or in other documents submitted in connection with this application,
attach a brief description of each member’s domestic, import, and export operations, including:
(i) The nature of its business;
(ii) The locations of its operations.
(iii) The geographic location of its customers (foreign and domestic) .
This description may be supplemented by a chart or table.
(Attach to this application, clearly identifying attachment as response to ITEM 5.)
(i) Names, titles, and responsibilities of the applicant’s directors, officers, partners, and managing officials, and
(ii) their business affiliations with the members or other businesses that produce or sell any of the types of goods or services
described in ITEM 7, below.
(Attach your response to this application, clearly identifying the attachment as response to ITEM 6.)
(i) A description of the goods or services that the applicant exports or proposes to export under the Certificate. This
description should reflect the industry’s customary definitions of products and services and should include a description of the
product’s purpose or use. If the information is reasonably available, please identify the goods or services according to the North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) . Goods should normally be identified at the 6-digit level. Services should be
identified at the most detailed level possible.
(ii) For each class of goods or services proposed to export under the Certificate, please provide the principal geographic
area(s) in the United States in which the applicant and each member sell their goods and services.
(iii) Identify the foreign geographic areas to which the applicant and each member intend to export their goods and services.
If applicable state “worldwide”.
(Attach your response to this application clearly identifying the attachment as response to ITEM 7A.)
ITEM 7B: For each of the previous two fiscal years please provide the dollar value of the applicant’s and each member’s (i) total
domestic sales, if any, and (ii) total export sales, if any. Include separately the value of sales of any controlling entities and all
entities under their control.
(Attach your response to this application, clearly identifying the attachment as response to ITEM 7B.)
ITEM 7C: For each product or service to be covered by the Certificate, indicate the best information or estimate accessible to the
applicant of the total value of sales in the United States by all companies (whether or not members of the proposed
Certificate) for each of the last two (2) years. Identify the source of the information or the basis of the estimate. If the proposed
Certificate will cover “all products and services” you may skip this item.
(Attach your response to this application, clearly identifying the attachment as response to ITEM 7C.)
ITEM 7D: Provide the following background information:
(i) For each product to be covered by the Certificate
1. The estimated number of domestic producers selling in the U.S. market;
2. The estimated number of importers and/or foreign producers who directly supply product in the U.S. market;
3. A list of the top five competitors who are not proposed members of this Certificate, in terms of sales in the U.S.
market, and an estimate of their respective (%) share in the U.S market;
4. The estimated share of the U.S. market accounted for by the firms to be covered by the Certificate;
5. The principal geographic area(s) in the United States in which these products are sold;
(ii) Other products with the same or similar purpose or use as the products to be covered by the proposed Certificate;
1. The estimated number of domestic producers selling in the U.S. market;
2. The estimated number of importers and/or foreign producers who directly supply product in the U.S. market;
Please provide any other background or industry information that the applicant believes will be necessary or helpful to a
determination of whether to issue a Certificate under the standards of the Export Trading Company Act.
(Attach your response to this application, clearly identifying the attachment as response to ITEM 7D.)
ITEM 8: Describe the specific export conduct which the applicant seeks to have certified. Only the specific export conduct described
in the application will be eligible for certification.
Examples of export conduct that applicants may seek to have certified include the manner in which goods and services will be
obtained or provided; the manner in which prices or quantities will be set; exclusive agreements with U.S. suppliers or export
intermediaries; territorial, quantity, or price agreements with U.S. suppliers or export intermediaries; and restrictions on membership
or membership withdrawal. These examples are given only to illustrate the type of export conduct which might be of concern. The
specific activities that the applicant may wish to have certified will depend on the applicant’s particular circumstances or business
(Attach your response to this application, clearly identifying attachment as response to ITEM 8.)


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