3-Ring Binder Template
(1-inch ring)
• The padded binder is represented by the green
• BLEED: If color or artwork bleeds, extend it to cover
area. The finished binder size is 7.0 inches wide and
the green and blue areas completely. Bear in mind
9.25 inches tall, with a 1.5-inch spine.
everything in the blue area will wrap around the
• The blue area represents the printed sheet
boards and the green area is very close to the edge
that will wrap around the padded binder. The
of the binder, so fill these spaces with continuous
sheet’s dimensions are 17.25 x 11.0 inches. Use
color, patterns, or non-critical photo areas (keep
these dimensions when setting up your layout
people and other essential elements you want to
feature within the white areas).
• The white areas on the template are your main
• If the book exceeds 360 pages, a 1.5-inch ring will
image areas. Center all text and artwork within the
be required. Call us at 1.800.227. 7282 for more
white areas. Keep all type and artwork within these
areas unless you intend the elements to bleed. (See
bleed information opposite.)
• The front and back white image areas are .375”
= printed sheet
(and bleed area)
from the top, bottom, and outer edges of binder
(green area). The front and back panels’ inner
edges are .45” from the solid spine lines.
= padded binder
• For the spine, keep text and other elements
centered and contained within in the white spine
area (1.0” x 6.25”).
= image area