Form 4570 - Michigan Business Tax Credits For Compensation, Investment, And Research And Development - 2011 Page 5


Instructions for Form 4570, Michigan Business Tax (MBT)
Credits for Compensation, Investment, and Research and Development
Fiscal Year Filers: See “Supplemental Instructions for Standard Fiscal MBT Filers” on page 145.
Compensation also includes fringe benefits and any earnings
that are net earnings from self-employment, as defined under
To claim the Compensation Credit, Investment Tax Credit
IRC § 1402, of the taxpayer, partner, or Limited Liability
(ITC), and the Research and Development Credit calculated
Company member of the taxpayer. Wages, salaries, fees,
here and carried to the MBT Nonrefundable Credits Summary
bonuses, commissions, and other payments made in the tax
(Form 4568).
year on behalf of or for the benefit of employees, officers, or
directors, as well as net earnings from self-employment, must
Note: This form may be used by standard taxpayers to
be reported on a cash basis.
claim eligible credits and by financial institutions to claim
the Compensation Credit only. Insurance companies use the
Payments made to a pension plan, retirement or profit sharing
Miscellaneous Credits for Insurance Companies (Form 4596)
plan, employee insurance plans, and payments under health and
to claim credits for which they may be eligible.
welfare benefit plans, as well as the administration fees paid for
the administration of the health and welfare benefit plan, are
The Compensation Credit and ITC together are limited to
compensation. Compensation also includes certain payments
52 percent of the pre-surcharge total tax liability. The Research and
made by licensed taxpayers that are statutorily identified. These
Development Credit, combined with the Compensation Credit and
compensation payments are calculated on a cash or accrual basis
ITC, are limited to 65 percent of the pre-surcharge tax liability.
consistent with the taxpayer’s method of accounting for federal
This form will also determine an ITC recapture that potentially
income taxes. The statute provides for certain exclusions from
could increase the tax liability.
compensation, including employee discounts on merchandise
and services, payments for State and federal unemployment
Special Instructions for Unitary Business Groups
compensation and federal insurance contributions, and payments
made to most independent contractors.
Credits are earned and calculated on either an entity-specific or
group basis, as determined by the relevant statutory provisions
Expenses incurred for the benefit of the taxpayer rather than for
for the respective credits. The credits on this form are
the benefit of employees of the taxpayer are not compensation.
calculated on a group basis. Intercompany transactions are not
Noncompensation expenses might include payments reported
eliminated for the calculation of most credits. However, assets
on a Form 1099 to an employee for the rental of a building or
transferred between members of the group are not considered
for interest income.
capital investments in qualifying assets for purposes of
This credit is calculated on the taxpayer’s Michigan compensation.
calculating the ITC in Part 2. Credits are generally applied
against the tax liability of the Unitary Business Group (UBG),
Compensation is “in this state” if (a) the individual’s service
unless otherwise specified by statute.
is performed entirely within Michigan, or (b) the individual’s
service is performed both within Michigan and outside
Complete one Form 4570 for the group.
Michigan, but the services performed outside Michigan are
Line-by-Line Instructions
incidental to the individual’s service within Michigan.
Lines not listed are explained on the form.
example 1: Sales Co. employs Salesperson whose territory
includes both Detroit, Michigan, and Toledo, Ohio. Salesperson
Dates must be entered in MM-DD-YYYY format.
calls on customers located in both Michigan and Ohio. The
Name and Account Number: Enter name and account number
compensation paid to Salesperson is not “compensation in this
as reported on page 1 of the applicable MBT annual return
state” because Salesperson’s activity is not limited solely to
(either the MBT Annual Return (Form 4567) for standard
Michigan, and calling on customers in Ohio is not incidental to
taxpayers or the MBT Annual Return for Financial Institutions
Salesperson’s activity in Michigan.
(Form 4590)).
example 2: Manufacturer employs Engineer at its Michigan
facility. Several times a year, Engineer travels out of state to meet
with suppliers. Although Engineer performs services both within
UBGs: If the taxpayer is a UBG, the Compensation Credit is
Michigan and outside Michigan, Engineer’s out-of-state services
calculated on the combined Michigan compensation of the
are incidental to Engineer’s services within Michigan. The
UBG members. Intercompany transactions are not eliminated
compensation paid to Engineer is “compensation in this state.”
for this purpose.
Line 2: Enter compensation paid in the tax year on behalf of
Use Part 2 to determine the total eligible acquisitions and
or for the benefit of employees, officers, or directors as defined
in Michigan Compiled Laws 208.1107(2). Generally, under
dispositions for the filing period. Complete Tables 1 through 6
this definition, compensation includes, but is not limited to,
(lines 35 through 42) before completing lines 4 through 16. If
more space is needed for any assets acquired, sold, or disposed
payments that are subject to or specifically exempt or excepted
of in this tax year, include additional copies of page 3 or page
from withholding under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 3401
through § 3406.
4 (as applicable) of the form identifying the name and account


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