Form 140PY, Schedule A(PY)
Line 7 -
Lines 16 through 20 -
Enter the amount of casualty loss shown on line 6 that you
Skip lines 16 through 20 if not deducting gambling losses.
incurred and paid while an Arizona resident. Also enter the
Line 16 -
amount of casualty loss shown on line 6 from Arizona
Enter the amount of wagering losses included on line 15,
sources that you incurred during the part of the year while a
Form 140PY, Schedule A(PY).
Line 17 -
Line 8 -
Enter the total gambling winnings included in your Arizona
Divide the amount on line 7 by the amount on line 6. Enter
gross income.
the percentage.
Line 18 -
Line 9 -
Enter the Arizona lottery subtraction from Form 140PY,
Multiply the amount on line 5 by the percent on line 8. Enter
page 2, line D32.
the result.
Line 19 -
Job Expenses and Other Miscellaneous
Maximum allowable gambling loss deduction. Subtract the
amount on line 18 from the amount on line 17.
Line 10 -
Line 20 -
Enter the amount of miscellaneous expenses subject to the
If the amount on line 19 is less than the amount on line 16,
2% federal adjusted gross income limitation allowable on
subtract line 19 from line 16. Otherwise, enter zero (0).
federal Form 1040, Schedule A, before applying the
Line 21 -
Lines 11 through 14 -
If you completed lines 16 through 20, subtract line 20 from
line 15. If you skipped lines 16 through 20, enter the amount
Complete lines 11 through 14 as instructed on Form 140PY,
from line 15 here.
Schedule A(PY).
Line 22 -
Do not include on line 11 any amount that is allocable to
income excluded from your Arizona taxable income. Such
Add lines 14 and 21. This is your Arizona miscellaneous
amounts would include employee business expenses
attributable to income excluded from your Arizona taxable
Arizona Itemized Deduction
Line 15 -
Line 23 -
Enter the amount of other allowable miscellaneous expenses
Add lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 and 22. Enter the result here and on
not subject to the 2% federal adjusted gross income
Form 140PY, page 1, line 19.
limitation that you incurred and paid while an Arizona
resident. Also enter the amount of other allowable
miscellaneous expenses not subject to the 2% federal
adjusted gross income limitation from Arizona sources that
you incurred and paid during the part of the year while a