Form Ia 1120x - Iowa Amended Corporation Income Tax Return Page 2

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Schedule of Changes to Income, Deductions and Credits
Item Description
IA 1120X Amended Corporation Instructions
Form IA 1120X is to be filed to make any changes
Line 19: Alternative Minimum Tax - Include a copy
to a previously-filed form IA 1120 or 1120A.
of the corporation’s original IA 4626, revised IA
Please enclose a copy of page 1 of the company’s
4626, and the federal 4626.
Iowa return as filed and any federal forms detailing
Line 21: Credits - Enclose IA 148 Tax Credits
the changes.
If the change was due only to the carryback of a
Line 22: Payments - Include tax amount only;
capital loss use form IA 1139-CAP.
exclude penalty and interest.
Requests for refund must be filed within three
Line 26b: Note: Penalties can only be waived
years of the due date of the original return, or the
under limited circumstances, as described in Iowa
postmark of the late filed return with extension, or
Code section 421.27.
within one year of payment.
Failure to Timely File a Return: A penalty of 10%
Refund claims resulting from a federal audit after
will be added to the tax due for failure to timely file
the above statute has expired must be filed within
a return if the return is filed after the original due
six months of the date the audit was finalized by
date of the return and if at least 90% of the correct
the Internal Revenue Service. Include the final
amount of tax is not paid by the original due date
determination letter from the federal audit.
of the return.
Check the appropriate “Reason for Amendment.”
Failure to Timely Pay the Tax Due or Penalty for
Complete “Schedule of Changes” above. Enter the
Audit Deficiency: A penalty of 5% will be added to
line reference from page 1 for which you are
the tax due if the return is filed by the original due
reporting a change and give the reason for each
date and at least 90% of the correct amount of tax
change. Include applicable schedules.
is not paid by the original due date of the return.
Tax Period: Enter dates as MMDDYY.
When the failure to file penalty and the failure to
Filing Status: Enter the number for filing status.
pay penalty are both applicable, only the failure to
file penalty will apply.
 Filing status 1, Separate Iowa/Separate Federal
Penalty for Willful Failure to File: A penalty of 75%
 Filing status 2, Separate Iowa/Consolidated
will be added to the tax due for willful failure to file
a return or for filing with intent to evade tax.
 Filing Status 3, Consolidated Iowa/Consolidated
Line 27: Interest - Interest accrues on any unpaid
tax from the original due date of the return.
Type of Return: Enter the number for type of
Interest will be computed by the Department for
any overpayment of tax.
 1 Regular Corporation
Line 30: Credit to next period’s estimated tax can
 2 Cooperative
only be changed if requested by the last day of the
 3 UBIT
subsequent tax year.
Line 18: Computed tax – If line 17 is:
Where to File:
Under $25,000; multiply line 17 by 6%
Corporation Tax Return Processing
$25,000 to $100,000; multiply line 17 by 8% and
Iowa Department of Revenue
subtract $500
PO Box 10468
$100,000 to $250,000; multiply line 17 by10% and
Des Moines IA 50306-0468
subtract $2,500
Questions: 515-281-3114 or 1-800-367-3388
Over $250,000; multiply line 17 by 12% and
subtract $7,500
42-024b (07/02/15)


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