Instructions For 2013 Alaska Fisheries Business Tax Annual Return Page 4


Percentage (line 2) is 100% and your salmon tax liability is
the same as your fisheries business tax liability.
Schedule WB - A.W. “Winn” Brindle Scholarship is a tax
credit for contributions made during the tax year to the A.W.
Part III Schedule SPD Recapture Worksheet
“Winn” Brindle Memorial Scholarship fund. The credit is
Use this form to determine the amount to be recaptured
limited to 5% of the fisheries business tax liability.
(paid back) for previous tax credits claimed on equipment
File only one Schedule WB, even if your company files more
that was sold, disposed of or removed from service.
than one return.
Part IV Qualified Expenditures Worksheet
Schedule EC - Subject to the limitations below, a taxpayer
List all new property for which you are claiming a credit.
is allowed a credit for cash contributions accepted: a) by
an Alaska university foundation or by a nonprofit (public or
SPD Tax Credit Definitions
private) Alaska two-year or four-year college accredited by
Alaska Percentage is the percentage of salmon processed
a regional accreditation association for direct instruction,
on your vessel in Alaska. The percentage is calculated by
research, and educational support purposes, including library
dividing the pounds of raw salmon processed in the state by
and museum acquisitions, and contributions to endowment;
the total weight of raw salmon processed on the vessel in
b) by a nonprofit (public or private) Alaska two-year or
and outside of the state. If that amount is less than 50%, the
four-year college accredited by a regional accreditation
SPD credit may not be claimed for this vessel.
association for a facility or annual intercollegiate sports
First placed into service means the moment when
tournament; c) by a school district in the state for secondary
new property or new equipment is first used for business
school level vocational education courses, programs
and facilities; d) by a state-operated vocational technical
education and training school for vocational education
New equipment means tangible, depreciable personal
courses, programs and facilities; e) by a nonprofit agency for
property with a useful life of three years or more whose
Alaska Native cultural/heritage programs and educational
original use commences with the taxpayer and does not
support, including mentoring and tutoring, for public school
include property first used by another person.
staff and for students in grades kindergarten through 12
Qualified investment means the investment cost in
in the state; and f) by an institution that is located in the
depreciable tangible personal property with a useful life of
state and qualifies as a coastal ecosystem learning center
three years or more to be used predominantly to produce
under the Coastal American Partnership established by the
value-added salmon products beyond heading and gutting
federal government for education, research, rehabilitation,
of the salmon. Investment cost does not include federal,
and facilities.
state, or local grant funds. The definition of “property”
The Education Credit is limited to 50% of the first $100,000,
includes equipment to be used for: filleting, skinning,
100% of the next $200,000 and 50% of contributions that
portioning, mincing, forming, extruding, stuffing, injecting,
exceed $300,000.
mixing, marinating, preserving, drying, smoking, brining,
packaging, blast freezing or pin bone removal as well as
The total contributions qualifying for the credit (line 1 of
Schedule EC) cannot be claimed as a charitable contribution
deduction. Contributions claimed as a credit on this return
Useful life means the useful life of equipment that is or
cannot be claimed as a credit for other Alaska taxes.
would be applicable for purposes of depreciation.
The total allowable credit may not exceed $5 million. If
Valued-added salmon product means the product of
a taxpayer is a member of an affiliated group (see AS
a salmon that is processed beyond heading, gutting or
43.20.073), then the total amount of credits may not exceed
separation in a manner that materially enhances the value
$5 million for the affiliated group.
of the salmon product, such as shelf-stable, retort pouched,
smoked, pickled, or filleted salmon, ikura, leather, or jerky.
File only one Schedule EC, even if your company files more
Value added salmon product does not include a salmon or
than one return.
salmon product that is:
• subjected to only one or more of heading, gutting,
Processing means any activity that modifies the physical
freezing, packaging, quality assurance practices or value
condition of a fisheries resource, including butchering,
retention practices;
freezing, salting, cooking, canning, dehydrating or smoking.
• salmon skeins or other unprocessed salmon products
Processing does not include gutting, gilling or icing fish,
whether fresh or frozen;
or decapitating shrimp, on a vessel while on the fishing
grounds when necessary to maintain product quality or
• canned, except for salmon products in a pop-top can; or
prevent loss from decomposition. The removal, rinsing and
• produced out of the state.
icing of salmon roe is not considered processing.
0405-574i Rev 12/19/13 - page 4


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