The Girl Scout International Troop Travel Log Template Page 6


Culture Quest
Whether you’re traveling to a foreign-to-you part of the United States or to a
country outside the U.S., get comfy with your location. Some of the cultural
characteristics you’ll encounter may be similar to yours; others may be
completely different. Knowing what to expect can help combat culture shock.
Take the Culture Quest Challenge to find out how much you know about the
country or location you’ll be visiting.
Next to each item, write what you know about the people and culture you will be visiting.
Styles of dress
Holiday customs
Ways of greeting people
Beliefs about hospitality
Importance of time
Concept of fairness
Important landmarks
Nature of friendship
Tourist attractions
Attitudes about personal space or privacy
Concept of beauty
Attitude toward age
What teens do for fun
Role of family
Facial expressions and hand gestures
General view of Americans
Concept of self
General view of the world
Work ethic
Religious beliefs and rituals


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