Form 500dm - Maryland Decoupling Modification - 2014 Page 2

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General Instructions
income, the decoupling modification must include an adjustment for these
changes. If the net change for these items reduces taxable income, enter
Purpose of Form
as a negative amount (-). See Administrative Release 38 for scenarios
Maryland has decoupled from certain federal provisions, as listed at the top
with examples of certain items that affect decoupling.
of Form 500DM, by enacting addition and subtraction modifications which
Line 6 – Net Decoupling Modification
eliminate the effect of the changes on Maryland and local taxes. This form
is used to determine the amount of the required modification.
Net the amounts from lines 1 through 5 and enter on line 6. If line 6 is
positive, include this amount in the appropriate line of the Maryland tax
Use of Pro Forma Returns
return being filed. Also enter the appropriate code letter(s) in the box(es)
Separate (pro forma) federal and Maryland returns must be prepared for
provided for the type of addition modification (either depreciation or NOL,
use in completing Form 500DM. In addition to calculating depreciation and
or both).
NOL deductions without the benefits afforded under the federal provisions
If line 6 is negative, include this amount as a positive number in the
from which Maryland has decoupled, pro forma returns also will help
appropriate line of the Maryland tax return being filed. Enter the appropriate
to determine other related items that affect Maryland and local income
code letter(s) in the box(es) provided for the type of subtraction modification
tax liability (e.g., income items, addition and subtraction modifications,
(either depreciation or NOL, or both). See the table at the bottom of Form
deductions and credits).
500DM for the line numbers and code letters to use.
Additional Information
Note: there is no separate code for line 3 as this decoupling would not
For more information regarding these modifications, see Administrative
occur if there was no entry on line 4, and therefore, code dm would be
Release 38 at
used for multiple decoupling.
Specific Instructions
Infrequently, the only decoupling that may exist on the return may be for
Column 1 – Federal Return as Filed
“Other Changes.” In this case, use the code for the decoupling issue that
gave rise to the “Other Changes.”
Column 1 (lines 1 through 4) is used for the amounts reported on the
federal return which include the impacts of the Decoupled Provisions.
Line 7 – Decoupling from Pass-Through Entity
Column 2 – Federal Return Without Decoupled Provisions
Enter any decoupling modification resulting from income received from a
pass-through entity on line 7 and use code dp on the member’s return as
Column 2 (lines 1 through 4) is for the amounts which would have been
an addition or subtraction. If line 7 is positive, include this amount as an
reported on the federal return without regard to the Decoupled Provisions.
addition on the appropriate line for addition on the Maryland tax return
Column 3 – Change – increase/decrease (-)
being filed. If line 7 is negative, include this amount as a positive number
L ines 1 and 2 – Subtract the amount in Column 2 from the amount in
on the appropriate line for subtraction on the Maryland tax return being
Column 1. Enter in Column 3.
filed. See Income from a PTE below.
Lines 3 and 4 – Subtract the amount in Column 1 from the amount in
Column 2. Enter in Column 3.
For Maryland income tax credits affected by the Decoupling Provisions, enter
Line 5 is for the change to taxable income in other related items
on the return to be filed credits as calculated on the Maryland pro forma
(calculated before and after application of the Decoupled Provisions) that
return without the Decoupling Provisions.
would affect taxable income.
Note: If a credit for a tax paid to another state was claimed on the original
I f the change decreases taxable income, enter the amount with a minus
return and the tax liability to the other state and/or Maryland changes as
sign (-) in front of the number.
a result of the treatment of decoupling provisions in either state, a revised
Line 1 – Depreciation Deductions
Form 502CR must be completed using the Maryland and the other state’s
returns as filed, including all amendments and modifications.
Use line 1 only for the depreciation expense deductions.
Pass-Through Entities (PTE)
Line 2 – NOL Deductions
If the entity is a PTE (partnership, S-corporation, limited liability company
Use line 2 for NOL deductions. For Columns 1 and 2, limit the deductions
or business trust), no adjustment is made on the PTE’s Maryland income
for non-corporation taxpayers so that the deduction may not exceed the
tax return (Form 510). However, Form 500DM must be submitted with
federal modified taxable income as determined on federal Form 1045,
Form 510 and the PTE must provide each partner, shareholder or member
Schedule B. If more than one loss year, attach a schedule providing the
a statement showing their share of the decoupling modification.
amounts on line 2 applicable to each loss year. For corporation taxpayers
filing Form 500, the impact of the decoupling on the NOL Deduction is no
Income from a PTE
longer calculated on Form 500DM with the other decoupling modifications.
Each partner, shareholder or member that has a decoupling modification
Instead, a pro forma or adjusted federal taxable income is first computed
from a PTE also must complete Form 500DM. Enter the decoupling
to include the effect of the other decoupling modifications, and then the pro
modification from the PTE on line 7 of Form 500DM. Use code dp under
forma or adjusted federal NOL is applied to reduce the pro forma or adjusted
other additions or subtractions on the return being filed by the member.
federal taxable income, to no less than zero. For more information about
(Do not include in lines 1 through 4). Also use this amount to adjust the
these deductions, see Administrative Release 18 which is available
income from the PTE on the pro forma federal return to determine if other
related changes exist. Other related changes would be entered on line 5
Line 3 – Deferred Deduction for Original Issue Discount (OID)
of Form 500DM. Do not include any decoupling modification from a PTE on
the Maryland pro forma return.
Use line 3 to reflect the subtraction to income resulting from Maryland’s
decoupling from the federal deferral of deduction for OID. The deferral or
Attachment of Forms
deduction must be claimed in debt-for-debt exchanges, unless the deduction
• Original Return Attach the completed Form 500DM to the Maryland
was deferred by a pass-through entity. If the deduction was deferred by a
income tax return to be filed. Pro forma returns used to complete
pass-through entity, use line 7. On line 7, partners, shareholders or members
this form are not to be filed with the Comptroller or the IRS,
should report only their share of the deferred deduction. In those years
but should be retained with your tax records.
when the Internal Revenue Code permits the deduction, line 3 will reflect
• Amended Return Attach the completed Form 500DM, schedules and
an addition to income.
pro forma returns to the amended return to be filed.
Line 4 – Deferred Discharge of Indebtedness Income
For questions concerning Form 500DM contact:
Use line 4 to report the addition to income resulting from Maryland
Revenue Administration Division
decoupling with the federal deferral of income arising from business in
110 Carroll Street
debtedness discharged by reacquisition of a debt instrument, unlessthe
Annapolis, Maryland 21411-0001
income was deferred by a pass-through entity. If the income was deferred
410-260-7980 or
by a pass-through entity, use line 7. On line 7, partners, shareholders or
toll-free at 1-800-MDTAXES or (410-638-2937)
members should report only their share of the deferred income. In those
years when the Internal Revenue Code requires the ratable inclusion of this
income, line 4 will reflect a subtraction to income.
Line 5 – Other Changes
Decoupling also may affect other items included in federal adjusted gross
income and allowable itemized deductions, as well as Maryland addition and
subtraction modifications. Because these items also affect Maryland taxable


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