Project Risk Assessment Template


Risk Assessment
This template gives examples of how to complete a risk assessment form for your
project; shades of red are used to highlight those risks with a high Risk Valuation Sum.
The project these example rows came from actually had many more risks evaluated,
we've selected only a few of them for illustration purposes.
(Please see an KEY below for an explanation of each heading).
1. Risk Identification
2. Risk Valuation
3. Risk Management
Risk Factor
Work Package
Risk Explanation
Risk Impact
Likelihood Impact
Political instability
WP101 / 102
This is particularly a
Quality of partnerships,
We will encourage partners to develop
undermines a partner's
risk in Lebanon,
Time, program Outcomes,
contingency plans. We mitigate this
ability to operate
Egypt, and Syria.
Security of staff
risk by working with multiple partners
from around the region so that we can
continue to provide value as a program
even if particular partners are affected.
A media partner abruptly
WP101 / 102
This could be driven by
External or
Time, Cost, program
We will maintain regular lines of
pulls out of the program
external issues, such
Outcomes, Quality of
communication with partners
as funding drying up or
throughout to detect problems early
the climate for
and mitigate this risk. We work with
operations becoming
multiple partners to ensure program
dangerous for staff, or
outcomes are never reliant on one
internal issues such as
partner only.
disagreements within a
partner's board.
External or
Quality, Cost, program
Platform unable to
This could be due to
We will primarily build from the
attract users
external factors, such
existing communities of our partners.
as a sudden growth in
We will also ask partners to develop a
competition, or internal
basic marketing strategy with their
factors, such as
journalists, using social media
decisions about
platforms such as Facebook and
promotional activities.
Twitter to raise awareness of the work
being done and attract new users
through inbound links. We will
facilitate users who want to share
content from the platform to social
networks to raise awareness through
viral networks.
Infrastructure outage
A server failure could
Time, Partnerships [Server
We conduct regular performance
be caused by a
outages may harm data,
monitoring and enhancement
Distributed Denial of
waste time, and damage
managed by an in-house sysops
Service (DDos attack),
trusted partnerships]
developer recruited to address this
electrical outage, or
critical user need. Throughout our
some technical
approach, we follow best performance
problem relating to
practices. We use a computing cluster
installation and
to balance the load, we cache using
maintenance. It could
Varnish, Redis and other system-level
also be caused if there
components, we use a content-delivery
is a spike in usage that
network (CloudFlare) to render static
assigned servers are
files and we employ a performance
not able to handle.
monitoring solution (AppNeta
Tracelytics) to pinpoint bottlenecks.
Your own project's risk
You explain them in
You evaluate the risk's
You explain your mitigation
factors here
simple terms, both for
potential impact here
strategy(ies) here
internal use and for
your funder(s) here
Risk Factor
Work Package
Risk Explanation
Risk is the potential for a
If your project is organised into
Internal risks: factors under the control of the
defined event to occur with
smaller packages of work,
programme that may hinder success such as:
consequence on a given
name them here. This will help
capacity or management capabilities,
programme objective or
identify who is responsible for
monitoring and reporting of results, audit
quality; risk is always about
each risk.
processes and financial control, procurement
future uncertainty.
regulations, corruption, ownership and failure to
sustain results.
External risks: conditions outside the
programme which could have a negative
influence on the achievement of results.
External risks could be related to political,
institutional, economic, environmental, social or
technological conditions.
Please indicate the likelihood of the risk to
Please indicate the consequences of the risk
Likelihood multiplied
Describe here what will practically be
occur by using the four step scale.
by using the four step scale.
by Impact.
done to address and minimise these
risks? This does not assume that all
1 = Unlikely
1= Minor
risks can be 'removed' from the
It is unlikely that the event will occur
Very limited influences on the ability to achieve
project, but should at very least be
the defined outputs and outcomes
2= Possible
It is possible that the event will occur
2= Moderate
Limited influences on the ability to achieve the
3= Likely
defined outputs and outcomes
It its likely that the event will occur
3 = Major
4= Certain
Major influences on the ability to achieve the
It is almost certain that the event ill occur
defined outputs and outcomes
4 = Severe
Very substantiial influences on the ability to
achieve the defined outputs and outcomes


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