English Special Question Bank Worksheet - Class Ix Page 15


Passage – 6
A tree is a woody plant usually with a single stem. A large area well
covered with woody plants is a forest. The woody plants called shrubs and
bushes are smaller than trees and have usually more than one main stem.
Trees are the largest living things on the Earth, and they live longer than any
animal. The tallest trees are mountain ashes which have grown to well over
330 feet. The oldest trees are the Californian pines, some of which are more
than 4,500 years old. The age of a tree can be told by counting the rings in
the trunk. In most kinds of temperate trees (i.e. grown in neither very hot nor
very cold climates), new wood is formed each year in a layer outside the
wood of the previous year. The layers of wood, as seen on the cut end of a
felled tree, are circular and are called annual rings. Each ring in the trunk of
the wood represents one year of the tree’s life. In a year of good rainfall, the
ring formed is wider than one formed in the drier year. A record of rainfall
can thus be read in tree rings.
Trees are important to our world for a number of reasons. Like all
green plants, they build up their food by the process known as
photosynthesis. The by-product of this process is oxygen which human
beings and other animals take from the atmosphere as they breathe. That is
why the great forests have been called the lungs of the world. They make
much of the oxygen we need to live.
Questions :
How will you distinguish a tree from a shrub?
How can you tell the age of a tree?
Why have forests been called ‘lungs of the world’?
Find out from the passage:
the antonym of the ward ‘subsequent’
an adjective in comparative degree.
Passage – 7
Our opportunities are great but let me warn you that when power out
strips ability, we will fall on evil days. We should develop competence and
ability which would help us utilize the opportunities which are now open to
us. From tomorrow morning – from midnight today – we cannot throw the
blame on the Britisher. We have to assume the responsibility ourselves for


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