Mlml Dive Computer Quiz Worksheet Page 2


- (cont.)-
True and False Questions
5) (True/False) This specific dive computer is intended for use with standard air and
enriched air nitrox (EAN) gas mixtures.
6) (True/False) Each Diver relying on a dive computer to plan dives and indicate or
determine decompression status must have his own unit.
7) (True/False) On any given dive, both divers in the buddy pair must follow the most
conservative dive computer.
8) (True/False) If the dive computer fails at any time during the dive, the dive must be
terminated and appropriate surfacing procedures should be initiated immediately.
9) (True/False) A diver should not dive for 18 hours before activating a dive computer
to use it to control their diving.
10) (True/False) When using a dive computer, non emergency ascents are to be at a rate
specified for the make and model of dive computer being used.
11) (True/False) Whenever practical, divers using a dive computer should make a stop
between 10 and 30 feet for 5 minutes, especially for dives below 60 fsw.
12) (True/False) This specific dive computer is intended for decompression diving, as
well as no decompression diving.
13) (True/False) Multiple deep dives require special consideration.
Practical Skills
14) Describe steps to check PO2 and set the O2 concentration and determine MOD.
15) Describe steps to the dive planning mode to calculate MDT for next dive at multiple
16) Describe steps to enter your dive log.
I have read and understand the users manual for this dive computer, as well as the Dive
Computer Guidelines generated from the AAUS Dive Computer Workshop.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________


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