Scholarship Application Form


Financial Peace University
Scholarship Application
The total cost of this class will be $120. This will include your FPU lifetime
membership, membership kit, and childcare for your younger children (if needed). Partial
scholarships are provided on a first come/first serve basis for those in financial need and
cannot afford to pay for the entire class fee. Applicants who are approved for
scholarships must attend at least 8 out of the 9 weeks of the course.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number:___________________ Cell Phone Number:__________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________
Amount of scholarship applying for: ____$40
Do you regularly attend CHURCH180?
If not, do you
attend another church? ____No
____Yes, I attend __________________________)
Will you commit to attend at least 8 out of the 9 classes?
(Classes will meet on
Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm.) ____Yes
Are you willing to make major and/or minor adjustments in your financial behavior and
apply the principles of Financial Peace University? ____Yes
Please briefly explain why you believe you need this class and this scholarship.
Please note that we request that you pay your balance (either $80 or $40) for this class
before or on the first night of class (Wednesday, June 29
, 2016). This can be made out
to “CHURCH180” with “FPU” in the memo line.
I/we commit to attend at least 8 out of the 9 weeks of the Financial Peace University
class and I/we agree to repay the scholarship I/we receive back to CHURCH180 if unable
to meet this obligation.
Sign Here: ________________________________ Date: _________________________
(Please turn this application in to Jay Suckey or a CHURCH180 staff member by June 26
, 2016)


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