New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
Beginning January 14, 2008 a metered parking waiver is available to certain severely disabled drivers. This waiver allows
the holder to park in a metered parking space without putting payment into the meter. The waiver will only be issued to
people whose severe disability makes it extremely difficult to put payment into a parking meter. The eligibility and usage
requirements were created by the addition of New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1203-h.
New York City Residents: New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1203-h does not authorize New York
City (NYC) to issue metered parking waivers. Therefore, NYC will not be issuing metered parking waivers to its
residents. Residents of NYC can contact the NYC Department of Transportation for further information.
About the Metered Parking Waiver
The metered parking waiver allows the holder to park in a metered parking space in any city, town or village of New York
State without paying the meter fee. This applies to all metered parking spaces, even those that are not reserved for persons
with disabilities. However, there are certain restrictions that apply when using a metered parking waiver:
The waiver holder must be driving the vehicle;
The waiver holder must not be accompanied by a person who is able to put payment into a meter;
The waiver holder must observe any time limits associated with metered parking spaces.
Please note: The metered parking waiver does not replace the parking permit or special license plates for the severely
disabled. When parking in a space reserved for the disabled, the vehicle must display the parking permit or special plates.
If you park in a space reserved for the disabled that has a parking meter, your vehicle must display the parking permit or
plates and the metered parking waiver for you to legally park in that space and not pay the fee.
Eligibility for a Metered Parking Waiver
In order to be eligible for a metered parking waiver, you must meet all of the requirements listed in numbers 1- 5 below:
1. Be a resident of New York State; and
2. Be a resident of the city, town, or village where you are applying for the waiver; and
3. Hold a valid, unexpired, New York State driver’s license; and
4. Have a permanent, severe disability as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 404-a (see page 2 for the list of
permanent, severe disabilities); and
5. Have a severe disability that limits one or more of the following:
Fine motor control in both hands; or
Ability to reach or access a parking meter due to use of a wheelchair or other ambulatory device; or
Ability to reach a height of 42 inches from the ground due to lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity
strength or mobility
If you do not meet all of these requirements, you are not eligible for a metered parking waiver.
Applying for a Metered Parking Waiver
The Department of Motor Vehicles does NOT issue metered parking waivers. The governing bodies of
cities, towns and villages appoint an agent to issue the waivers. The waiver is issued by most city, town or village clerks,
and some police departments. Call your local city, town or village hall to find out where to apply for the waiver.
To apply for the waiver, you must complete an Application for a Metered Parking Wavier for Persons with Severe
Disabilities (form MV-664.1MP). You can get the application from the issuing agent or from the DMV web site at
. Part of the application must be completed by a licensed physician to certify that you meet the criteria
listed under item #5 above. A licensed physician is the ONLY medical professional who can certify that you meet the
criteria. Agents will only issue a metered parking waiver if the application provides all of the information requested,
including the applicant’s signature, and the medical certification is correctly completed and signed by a licensed physician.
MV-664.2MP (1/11)