Solving Quadratic Equations Page 2


The disadvantage to factoring is that it doesn’t always work. What do I mean by “work”? I
mean that sometimes there are x-intercepts that cannot be found by factoring because those
x-intercepts are not rational numbers. But, just because factoring doesn’t work, it doesn’t
mean that there are no x-intercepts. This is where the quadratic formula comes into play.
Example 2: Solve x
+ x – 3 = 0
Graph of y = x
+ x – 3
It’s hard to tell what the exact x-intercepts
are without the quadratic formula.
How do we know for certain there are no x-intercepts for a quadratic equation? Because the
quadratic formula will give us a negative underneath the square root.
Example 3: Solve x
= –x – 1
(Remember, you have to get “0” on one side first!)
Graph of y = x
+ x + 1
Notice there are no x-intercepts.


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