Neurology History Form Page 4


Physician’s Notes
Are you
If applicable, how many years have you been or were you married?____________________
Number of children and ages:______________________________________________
do not
What is your occupation? ________________________________________
Education: list highest grade/degree attended:_______________________________
Have you ever smoked or chewed?__yes ___no What age did you start?______
Do you currently smoke or chew? ____no, I quit (date) ____.
___yes How much per day?______
How much alcohol do you drink per week?__________________________________
Have you ever used street drugs or drugs not prescribed to you?______________________
What are your significant hobbies or interests?_________________________
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please circle problems you have now or had recently
Neurological: Memory loss, word finding problems, getting lost frequently,
difficulty doing tasks you could do previously, seizures, loss of consciousness,
loss of sense of smell, double vision, dizziness, tinnitus or ringing in your ears,
problems with hearing, slurred speech, problems chewing or swallowing,
change in sense of taste, weakness in part of your body, numbness, incoordination, falls, loss
of balance, pain or tingling, difficulty walking, muscle stiffness, muscle cramps, tremor,
problems controlling movement, muscle jerks or twitches
Ocular: decreased vision, double vision, pain in eyes.
Autonomic: dry eyes, dry mouth; any of these changes when you stand up: dizziness,
weakness, fatigue, mental changes, visaual changes, vertigo, anxiety, heart palpitations,
nausea, fainting
All of these
Blood disorders: anemia, bruising, bleeding gums, recurrent infections, etc.
reviewed, and
Heart: heart attacks, chest pain, shortness of breath, swollen feet, light-headedness,
unless circled
palpitations, atrial fibrillation, etc.
are negative or
Lungs: shortness of breath, spitting up blood, painful breathing, increased phlegm.
Gastrointestinal: any of these changes after eating: early fullness, bloating, nausea,
dizziness, sweating.
Any time: abdominal pain, vomiting blood, dark/tarry bowel movements, heartburn, diarrhea,
Urinary / kidneys: incomplete emptying of your bladder, difficulty starting the stream,
losing urine (icontinence), being unable to gopainful urination, blood in urine, pus in urine,
previous history of bladder disease, kidney disease.
Sexual: inability to get an erection, difficulty achieving orgasm, retrograde ejaculation
(painful ejaculation back into the bladder)
Endocrine: diabetes, thyroid disease, B12 deficiency, adrenal insufficiency,
hypertension, problems with calcium metabolism, pituitary problems, excessive thirst,
Skin: rashes, sores, unusual spots or patches of color, skin cancer, melanoma, new lumps or
bumps, changes in skin appearance that come and go
Musculoskeletal: joint pain, muscle pain, joint deformities, frequent fractures, arthritis
Allergic/Immune: allergies, hay fever, sinus problems, frequent infections
Ears, nose, throat: sinus disease, decreased hearing, vertigo, ringing in ears, sores in mouth,
nasal polyps
Psychiatric: anxiety, depression, hallucinations, violent behavior
Constitutional: unexplained weight gain or loss, fever, chills, fatigue, sweats,
Page 4 of 4
filename: Neurology Intake form
Last saved by Donna M. Koning 2/25/2009


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