The Nature Of Color - Dental Tribune International Page 2


Science & Research
Asia Pacific Edition
Describing Color
the “norm color system”. Red
Color can be described in at
components of a color are tailed
least three different ways:
along the X- (horizontal) axis and
• Spectrophotometry describes
green components along the
the physical characteristics of
Y- (vertical) axis. Every color is
a color (eg, the spectral re-
assigned a particular point and
flectance of a surface at differ-
the spectral purity of colors de-
ent wavelengths).
creases as you move left along
• Colorimetry describes what a
the coordinate plane. What is not
color matches with.
taken into consideration in this
• The Munsell system describes
model is brightness.
what the color looks like.
The Munsell Color System
A three-dimensional model
Figs. 9 & 10: Color temperature illustrating high temperature blue and low temperature red.
This system was proposed
with the color differences per-
by the American AH Munsell in
ceived corresponding to dis-
1905 and revised in 1943. The
tances when measured calori-
system defines three attributes
metrically. The a-axis extends
of color: H (hue), C (chroma), and
from green (-a) to red (+a); b axis
V (value). Color matching in den-
from blue (-b) to yellow (+b).
tistry is based on this system.
Brightness (I) increases from the
Munsell established numerical
bottom to top (Figure 14).
scales with visually uniform
Chromatic &
steps for each of these attributes.
Achromatic colors
Hue is that attribute of a color
by which we distinguish red from
Achromatic colors are white,
green, blue from yellow etc.
black and grey in between. They
Munsell called red, yellow,
lack the attributes of hue and
green, blue and purple principal
saturation. Chromatic colors are
hues and placed them at equal
everything that we perceive as
Fig. 11:Value scale and chart graduated from 0 to 10. A black or low value is represented by 0. 10 represents a white or high
value with the mid-tones being grey.
intervals around a circle. He in-
having “color”; everything other
Fig. 12: Chromatic scale, extending from weakly saturated on the left to densely saturated chroma on the right.
serted five intermediate hues:
than white, black or grey.
Color of the Natural Tooth
• Yellow-red
• Green-yellow
In describing the color of a
• Blue-green
natural tooth we find there are
• Purple-blue
two additional attributes. In ad-
• Red-purple
dition to hue, chroma and value,
we discover the attributes of
This makes ten hues in all.
opalescence and fluorescence.
The definitions of the first three
Value indicates the lightness
attributes are identical to those
of a color. The scale of value
defined by Munsell, but each can
ranges from 0 for pure black to 10
be qualified further:
for pure white. Black, white and
Hue: The primary source of
the greys between them are called
color is dentine and the hue of
neutral colors. They have no hue.
a vital, healthy tooth is in the
Colors that have a hue are called
yellow to yellow-red range
chromatic colors (Figure 11).
Chroma: In natural teeth the
Chroma is the degree of
chroma is dictated primarily by
Fig. 13: Munsell Color Space. Vertical axis represents value extending from black on the bottom to white on top, with grey
departure of a color from the
dentine but is influenced by the
in the middle. The color wheel arranged around the axis represents the hues and chroma increases outwards and perpen-
neutral color of the same value.
translucency and thickness of
dicular to the vertical axis. Thus, hue, chroma and value can be observed at various combinations.
Colors of low chroma are some-
enamel. The thinner the enamel,
Fig. 14: CIE L*A*B scale. Lightness is calculated on the vertical or L scale und huelchroma along the ab axis.
times called weak, while those
the less the effect on the chroma.
This gives rise to the three pri-
opposite to each other. Each color
of high chroma are said to be
Thus, in the cervical area, with its
page 8
mary colors:
has a complementary or opposite
highly saturated, strong or vivid
thin enamel, the chroma appears
qualities are utilized in infrared
hue, so that on the color wheel we
(Figure 12).
densely saturated. The thicker
lamps. Beyond this are electro-
• 400–500 nm = blue
have three complementary pairs.
the enamel, the more the chroma
Munsell Color Space
magnetic rays with increasing
• 500–600 nm = green
Just as positive and negative
is masked giving rise to a diffuse
wavelengths and decreasing fre-
• 600–700 nm = red
magnets attract each other, com-
Hue, value and chroma can
chromatic appearance.
quencies; these include radio
plementary colors also attract.
be varied independently and the
Value: In natural teeth this
All colors encountered in na-
Figure 8 graphically shows the
colors can be arranged in a three-
is primarily influenced by the
Human color recognition de-
ture can be reproduced by com-
relationship between the three
dimensional space. The neutral
quality and thickness of enamel.
pends upon light, objects that re-
bining light of these three wave-
primary colors of red, green and
colors are arranged in the verti-
The thicker the enamel, the
flect light and the viewer’s eyes
lengths in varying intensities:
blue and the three primary lights
cal line called the neutral axis.
greater the optical effects result-
and brain. The color of a self-lu-
of cyan, magenta and yellow.
Black is at the bottom, white at
ing in a higher value. Thick,
minous object is called self-lumi-
• 100%= white light
the top and all greys are in be-
dense, opaque dentine has the
Color Temperature
nous color and can be natural or
0% = black
tween. Hues are displayed at var-
effect of lowering the enamel
artificial. The color of an illumi-
• 50% = grey (Figure 7)
Color is intimately related
ious angles around the neutral
value (Figures 15, 16 & 17).
nated object is called object color
to temperature. Color T
is ex-
axis and chroma arranged per-
Opalescene: In a natural
The Color Wheel &
and can arise from reflected or
pressed in Kelvins. The higher
pendicular to the axis increasing
tooth, this is an effect produced in
Complementary Colors
scattered light. The energy car-
the color T
, the closer to blue
outward (Figure 13).
enamel and is due to different re-
ried by waves (which are approx-
If we arrange all these col-
the color is; the lower the color
fractory indices of the various or-
imately 400–700 nm) stimulates
ors around a circle we have a color
, the closer the color is to red.
ganic and inorganic components
the receptors in the human
wheel. Looking at the color wheel
The sun at noon is 5.000 Kelvin
In 1931 the CIE developed
of enamel as well as the ability
retina, producing color stimuli.
we can see that certain colors fall
(Figures 9 & 10).
the XYZ color system, also called
of hydroxyapatite crystal to scat-
ter incident light. The result is
that the long wavelengths are
transmitted through the tooth
whilst the short wavelengths are
reflected, producing a bluish
gleam. The effects vary from blue
to grey to white gleaming areas
(Figure 18).
Fluorescence: This effect oc-
curs when a body absorbs lumi-
nous energy and then diffuses
it back to the visible spectrum.
In nature this is caused by ul-
traviolet light striking pigments
in the dentine enamel interface
resulting in light emission rang-
ing from intense white to light
Figs. 15, 16 & 17:Variations in value in natural teeth. Low value giving a grey appearance, mid-value giving a cream appearance and high value giving a white appearance.


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