Character Analysis Template
You may use this template to write your character analysis paragraph. You do not
have to use the exact words that are in the template; adjust it to meet your needs.
The template provides a very basic character analysis format. I hope that when you
are more familiar with the assignment, you will develop your own style, while still
including the basic required information.
___________________________ is _________________________________________.
(Character’s name)
(Main personality trait of this character)
A scene in the story that shows this characteristic is______________________________
(Describe a scene or event in which the
character shows this trait.)
This event is a good example because _________________________________________
(Explain why that scene is a good example of the trait)
Another scene where the trait is shown is ____________________________________
(Describe a scene or event in which the
character shows this trait.)
This shows the trait by ___________________________________________________
(Explain why that scene is a good example of the trait.)
In conclusion ____________________________________________________________