KNOW EVERYONE BY THESE PRESENTS, which are intended to
constitute a Durable General Power of Attorney, THAT I, **, having an address at **, hereby
make, constitute and appoint my wife **, having an address at **, or if [wife] is unable,
unwilling or unavailable to act, then **, having an address at **, as my attorney-in-fact TO ACT
in my name, place and stead in any way which I could do, if I were personally present, to the
extent that I am permitted by law to act through an agent:
(a) to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive all manner of goods, chattels,
debts, rents, interest, sums of money and demands whatsoever, due or to become
due, that are thought to be owing, belonging or payable to me in my own right or
otherwise, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver acquittances, receipts,
releases, satisfactions or other discharges for the same;
(b) to sell, transfer, exchange, convert, abandon, or otherwise dispose of, or grant
options with respect to, real and personal property, at public or private sale, with
or without security, in such manner, at such times, for such prices, and upon such
terms and conditions as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate;
(c) to buy, sell, exchange, invest and reinvest in common or preferred stocks,
bonds, commodities, options, limited liability companies, investment trusts,
mutual funds, regulated investment companies and other types of securities and
financial instruments, foreign or domestic, including any undivided interest in any
one or more common trust funds, whether or not such investments be of the
character permissible for investments by fiduciaries under any applicable law, and
without regard to the effect any such investment may have upon the diversity of
investments; to demand, receive and obtain any money or other things of value to
which I am or may become or may claim to be entitled in connection with any
stocks, bonds or other financial instruments; to cause securities or other property
to be held or registered in the name of a nominee or nominees or unregistered or
in any other form; to vote in person at meetings of stock or security holders and
adjournments thereof, to enter into voting trusts, and to vote by general or limited
proxy with respect to any stock or securities;
(d) to make, execute, endorse, accept and deliver in my name or in the name of
my attorney-in-fact all checks, notes, drafts, warrants, securities, stock
certificates, certificates of deposit, bonds, acknowledgments, and any other
agreements, certificates or instruments of any nature, as my attorney-in-fact may
deem necessary or appropriate;
(e) to deposit and withdraw any sums to or from any bank, savings or similar
account maintained by me alone or jointly; to open, continue, modify or terminate
any account or banking arrangement in my name or jointly with others; to borrow