Rev 9.29.09
ABC Company
Month, Day, Year
U.S. Department of State
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
PM/DDTC SA-1, Room 1200
2401 E Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20037
SUBJECT: Letter for a Commodity Jurisdiction (CJ) Request authorizing
XYZ Company to file on behalf of the ABC Company for the (Insert
the product name)
Dear Sir or Madam:
The XYZ Company is authorized to submit a CJ request to the Directorate of Defense Trade
Controls (DDTC) on behalf of the ABC Company for the following product (Insert the product
name and provide brief details such as hardware, software, service, etc.). (Insert specific
individuals at XYZ Company, if appropriate, who will be involved). (Insert and explain the
nature of the relationship between the two companies, e.g., the ABC Company hired the XYZ
Company to file on its behalf or, the ABC Company is a subsidiary of the XYZ Company or,
joint production of the product or, the manufacturer has gone of out of business or, XYZ
Company sells item manufactured by ABC Company or, Companies ABC and XYZ have other
specified business arrangement or relationship, etc.). (If the form does not list an Applicant or the
Submitter does not include an Authorization letter from the Applicant, the letter should explain
why such authorization has not been provided so that DDTC may determine if the CJ request may
be processed.)
The ABC Company authorizes the release for general publication of the information contained in
Block 5 of the DS-4076 Form, as prepared and submitted by the XYZ Company (this release
applies specifically to the DS-4076 form).
(Closing Statement,)
(Signature Line)
Telephone number and email
ABC Company
123 Streets
Town, State, Zip
(Contact information is important so that DDTC can contact the manufacturer directly, if