Cover Sheet For Civil Actions Page 2


Choose  One
Case Type
Case Type
$115  Counterclaim: Custody/Visit/Support
— — — — — APPEALS — — — — —
$360  Administrative Agency Review
$155  Counterclaim: Paternity/Grandparent
Sch  Tax Court
(Appeal of Tax Commission Decision)
$100  Domestic Modification
Court: Refer to Clerk of Court upon filing.
$225  Civil (78A-2-301(1)(h))
$100  Counter-petition: Domestic Mod.
$225  Small Claims Trial De Novo
$360  Grandparent Visitation
— — — — GENERAL CIVIL — — — —
$360  Paternity/Parentage
Sch  Civil Rights
$310  Separate Maintenance
$0  Civil Stalking
$35  Temporary Separation
$360  Condemnation/Eminent Domain
$35  Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction &
Sch  Contracts
Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)
$35  Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
Sch  Contract: Employment Discrimination
Sch  Contract: Fraud
— — — — — JUDGMENTS — — — — —
Sch  Debt Collection
$35  Foreign Judgment (Abstract of)
Sch  Eviction/Forcible Entry and Detainer
$50  Abstract of Judgment/Order of Utah
$360  Extraordinary Relief/Writs
$360  Forfeiture of Property
$30  Abstract of Judgment/Order of Utah
State Tax Commission
Sch  Interpleader
$35  Judgment by Confession
Sch  Lien/Mortgage Foreclosure
— — — — — PROBATE — — — — —
Sch  Miscellaneous Civil
$360  Adoption/Foreign Adoption
$360  Post Conviction Relief: Capital
$8  Vital Statistics §26-2-25 per form
$360  Post Conviction Relief: Non-capital
$360  Conservatorship
Sch  Property Rights
$360  Estate Personal Rep
$360  Registry Removal (Gun/White Collar)
$35  Foreign Probate/Child Custody Doc.
Sch  Sexual Harassment
$360  Gestational Agreement
Sch  Water Rights
$360  Guardianship-Adult
$360  Wrongful Lien
$360  Guardianship-Minor
Sch  Wrongful Termination
$35  Guardianship-Disabled Adult Child
— — — — — — — TORTS — — — —— — —
$0  Involuntary Commitment
Sch  Automobile Tort
$360  Minor’s Settlement
Sch  Intentional Tort
$360  Name Change
Sch  Malpractice-Medical Tort
$360  Supervised Administration
Sch  Malpractice-Legal Tort; Other
$360  Trusts
Sch  Premises Liability
$360  Unspecified (Other) Probate
Sch  Asbestos
— — — — SPECIAL MATTERS — — — —
Sch  Product Liability (NOT Asbestos)
$35  Arbitration Award
$0  Determination Competency-Criminal
Sch  Slander/Libel/Defamation
$135  Expungement
— — — — DOMESTIC RELATIONS — — — —
$0  Hospital Lien
$0  Protective Orders
$35  Judicial Approval of Document: Not
$310  Marriage Adjudication
Part of Pending Case
$310  Custody/Visitation/Support
$35  Notice of Deposition in Out-of-State
$310  Divorce/Annulment
Case/Foreign Subpoena
$35  Open Sealed Record
Check if child support, custody or parent-
time will be part of decree
Check if Temporary Separation filed
$8  Vital Statistics §26-2-25 per form
$115  Counterclaim: Divorce/Sep Maint.
Civil Cover Sheet
Revised June 27, 2016
Page 2


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