Year 5 Curriculum Overview


Chesswood Junior School
Year 5 Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term
Spring Term 1
Spring Term 2 / Summer 1
Summer Term 2
Take One Book
To the stars
The Ancient Greeks
Poles Apart
Rites and Rituals
Me and My town
Mountains High
(4 weeks)
(4 weeks)
(2.5 weeks)
(4 weeks)
& Round and
(6 weeks)
Class choice book
Explorer journals
Greek myths
Rudyard Kipling – If
Poetry – performance poetry and
Explanation texts. Adventure
Fact and opinion in texts.
Greek heroes and beasts Top
Shackleton parody of If
learning by heart
Pourquoi stories.
Travel journals
Survival guide
The Night Mail
(2hour40mins / week)
Newspaper – journalistic reports -
Discursive / balanced discussion
First News
Extended piece of writing using
Space Explorers Journal
Narrative – Greek Myths
Biographical – Shackleton
Dialogue in a Mayan myth.
Explanation text on mountains.
Big write – response to residential.
editing skills. CV writing.
Newspaper Report on another
Non-chronological comparative
Poetry based on Rudyard Kipling –
Writing poetry – theme of mode of
Adventure story - mountain rescue.
Pourqoui stories.
(4 hours 40 mins/ week)
pupil’s space journey
report on 2 Greek heroes
Survival guide
Balanced discussion on
development of Aquarena site
Read, write, compare 5 digit no.s. Add / subtract multiples of 10/100/1000
Rules of divisibility 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 25; compare and place fractions on a
Compare no.s up to 6 digits ;
Written method to x and ÷.
Add and subtract decimals mentally
Identify factors and multiples;
from 5 digit. Addition of 4-digit no.s. Add / subtract 2 digit mentally
line; find equivalent fractions; simplest form. Mental strategies to multiply
understand decimal no.s as tenths
– inc. money; solve word problems.
compare and order fractions; add
Find fractions of 3-digit numbers;
Place value in decimals. Multiply and divide no.s with 2 dp by 10 and 100.
and divide multiples of 10 and 100; written method to multiply 3-digit and
and hundredths; multiply and
and subtract fractions. Use written
Multiply fractions less than 1 by
Polygons - draw and use properties
Add and subtract 0.1 and 0.01. Multiply and divide by 4. X by 20, 25, 9. 12
4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit
divide by 10/100/1000 using a
methods to divide and multiply.
whole numbers; improper
of. Revise metric units of weight,
and 24 hour clock. Measure in mm and convert to cm. Perimeters. Written
numbers using a written method and express remainders as a fraction.
place-value grid; understand tenths
Find area and perimeter of
fractions. Compare decimals to
capacity and length; understand
subtraction methods 3 digit and 4 digit no.s. Counting on for mental
Measure and draw angles in degrees; obtuse, acute and reflex; angles on
and hundredths; round 2dp nearest
rectangles and composite shapes.
3dp; multiply and divide numbers
that we can measure in imperial
a line total 180°, angles round a point total 360°; parts of a circle including
tenths and whole; count in tenths
Begin to understand and measure
by 10, 100 and1000; understand
diameter, radius and circumference; draw circles to a given radius; relate
or hundredths. Mental addition for
the volume of a cube or cuboid .
negative numbers. Use co-
Place mixed numbers on lines;
angles to turns, recognise that a 360° angle is a complete turn
decimals and whole numbers.
ordinates; translate and reflect.
Understand percentages ; finding
count up in fractions using
(6Hour 20 mins / week)
Place numbers to 100 000 and decimals up to 2dp on a line, round
Divisibility; identity prime numbers;
Use and draw angles; Use the
percentages of amounts of money;
equivalence; convert improper
numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and decimals up to 2dp to the
factors ; find square numbers
properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
find equivalent fractions, decimals
fractions to mixed numbers and
nearest whole number; reduce fractions to their simplest form; know and
and percentages. Write dates using
Know properties of triangles;
Add and subtract 5-digit numbers
vice versa; write improper fractions
recognise equivalent fractions and decimals to half, tenths and fifths.
Roman numerals.
angles of a triangle; convert units of
using written methods and
as mixed numbers and vice versa;
Mental and written addition and subtraction strategies. Choose to solve
measure - metric; km and miles;
choosing appropriate methods.
Find cubes of numbers to 10; draw
multiply proper fractions by whole
multiplication and division questions including 2- and 3-digit by 1-digit and
draw line conversion graphs
and interpret line graphs; read
2-digit by 2-digit using a mental or a written method, Identify the
timetables using the 24-hour clock;
Use written addition.
Written subtraction and addition.
operation being used on numbers, understand that addition and
use factors to multiply.
subtraction are inverse operations multiplication and division.
Problem Solving and Reasoning
Class choice - presentation of work
Scratch - Space Game (4)
Artweaver (4)
Google Advance - Boolean search
Research & Professional
Feedly, Tree Octopus, Blogger (5)
Programming - creating games
Microsoft Excel – spreadsheets (6)
Powerpoint presentation(6)
using algorithms, sequencing,
conditional statements (6)
Shadows, moon, planets (8)
Gravity, friction, air resistance (8)
floating, levers & pulleys (6)
Forces - levers pulleys machines -
Changes in humans - linked with
Life cycles. Mammals, amphibians,
Properties of materials – reversible
with DT (6)
SRE (10)
insects and birds. Reproduction in
and irreversible changes (12)
plants (4)
Aeronautical engineering (8)
Forces - levers pulleys machines -
with science (6)
World Features (10)
N & S America - location & world
Settlements - growth over time -
Mountains – ranges, formation,
Commonwealth countries – using
features. Biomes – rainforest.
Worthing focus linked to history.
expeditions, habitats (16)
globes, maps, atlases (10)
Sustainable farming. Trade. (8)
Redevelopment. (8)
Ancient Greeks (10)
Mayans (10)
Local history & town trail. (8)
Conquering Everest (4)
The British Empire(6)
Sikhism - How far would a Sikh go
Sikhism cont.
Christmas cont. (2)
Hinduism - How can Brahman be
Christianity - Easter - Did God
Sikhism - What is the best way for a
Christianity – What is the best way
for his/her religion? (2)
Christmas - Is the Christmas story
everywhere and in
intend Jesus to be crucified? (2:30)
Sikh to show commitment to God?
for a Christian to show
true? (2)
everything? (3)
commitment to God? (3)
Van Gogh - Starry Night (8)
Clay masks – Greek Gods (6)
Mayan temple columns (6)
Watercolour - seascape / Worthing
Textiles – Commonwealth linked
seafront (4)
costumes (8)
BBC Ten Songs (2)
Holst's Planet Suite - space music
Greek myths drama (4)
Christmas Concert Prep – singing
Mayan music – 4 and 8 beat (6)
Holst's Planet Suite (5)
Life cycles - musical score for video.
Music across the Commonwealth
Folk music (6)
Fitness (4)
Netball and swimming (10)
Netball, tag rugby, swimming (10)
Tag Rugby. Swimming (8:30)
Invasion games – table tennis (12)
Gymnastics and Sportshall Athletics
Gymnastics, athletics, cricket (14)
First Aid (12)
Colours (3)
Parts of the body (3)
Animals and verbs (3)
Nouns and adjectives (4:30)
Describing zoo animals (3:45)
Family members. Pets. Simple
Pets and hobbies (5)
French story. (4:30)
ACRO CV & Transition
Class charter (16)
General Curriculum
CAT test (2)
NB. Only a small proportion of PSHE is delivered discretely – see the school’s PSHE map for evidence of thorough coverage across the curriculum. For SMSC coverage, see the school’s SMSC policy and map.
(10) = Guidance time allocation in hours / minutes (see school’s long term plan for more detailed breakdown).
For National Curriculum coverage see the school’s curriculum map.
For more detailed information on the curriculum themes, see the school’s curriculum leaflets.


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