SECTION C: License Plate, Tab, Snowmobile, and Watercraft Refund Requests
(Sections A and C of this form must be completed) The Michigan Vehicle Code authorizes the Secretary of State to
refund vehicle, snowmobile, and watercraft registration fees only under certain conditions. Please read the descriptions
and indicate your reason for requesting a refund.
License Plate, Watercraft MC or Snowmobile Registration Number:
Expiration Date:
DUAL REGISTRATION: If, through an error, you purchased more than one Michigan registration for the same
vehicle, you may apply for a refund of the license plate and/or tab purchased. You must submit the unused plate and/or
tab purchased and its corresponding original registration. You must also submit a photocopy of the registration that you
are now using.
Enter the date the vehicle or watercraft ownership was transferred, sold or reassigned:
When you transfer or assign title of a registered vehicle before placing the new license plate or tab on it, you may apply
for a refund. Return your registration and unused plate or tab within 30 days from the date of transfer or title assignment.
Your license plate must never have been attached to the vehicle or the tabs must have not been placed on the plate to be
eligible for refund and cancellation of the registration. The plate and/or tab must be returned with this form. There is no
provision in Michigan law that allows for a refund when a person registers a snowmobile then sells it. Please provide the
date of sale on the line provided above.
SUSPENDED DRIVER LICENSE: If your driver license is suspended by the Department of State due to a physical
or medical reason, you may apply for a refund for the time remaining on the license plate. Return your original
registration and your license plate and tab.
DEATH OF VEHICLE OWNER: When a vehicle or watercraft owner dies, only the surviving spouse may apply for
a refund for the time remaining on the license plate. A copy of the death certificate is required for review. Submit the
owner’s original registration, license plate, and a copy of the death certificate.
OVERPAYMENT OF REGISTRATION FEES: Submit a photo copy of the vehicle registration you are now using.
RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM, Proof of payment consisting of an original validated document from the Department
of State showing the amount paid, as well as the documents specified for the type of refund being requested (See Section
B or C of this form). Approved refunds are issued from Lansing within six weeks after the completed form and documents
are received. Mail to the appropriate address below.
Requests for Driver License,
Request for a Title Refund:
Request for License Plate,
Request for Sales Tax
Personal Identification, or
Tab, Snowmobile, or
Reinstatement Fee Refund:
Watercraft Refund:
Michigan Department of State
Michigan Department of State
Michigan Department of State
Michigan Department of
Action Processing Unit
Vehicle Update Unit
Finance Division - Refunds
Lansing, MI 48918
Lansing, MI 48918
Lansing, MI 48918-1422
Technical Services Section
PO Box 30698
Lansing, MI 48909-8198
Phone: (517) 322-6107
Phone: (517) 241-9248
Phone: (517) 636-4357
Please direct questions and inquiries regarding refunds to the Michigan Department of State, Finance Division, Refund
Unit at 517-241-9248. Hearing-impaired customers may access the department’s telephone number by calling the
Michigan Relay Center at (800) 649-3777. If you need additional accommodation, please contact the Refund Unit.
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Form (A-226) Revised (05/14)