Retail Management Cover Letter


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Name (Of your contact)
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Dear Ms. Logan,
I read about BusinessTech's retail management training program in Lots of Career Options
Magazine and I would like to inquire about the possibility of openings. I am interested in a
career in retail management and am planning to relocate to the New York City area in the near
future. I would be interested in learning more about the company and about available
As a recent graduate from Ivy League University, I have a Bachelor of Business Administration
in Management. Additionally, I have retail experience as a Sales Associate and have completed
two internships focusing on retail management.
My resume, which is enclosed, contains additional information on my experience and skills. I
would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the training program with you and to provide further
information on my candidacy. I will call you during the week of March 22 to discuss possible
employment opportunities. In the meantime, if you need to contact me, my number is (555) 555-
4005. Please leave a message if I am not in, and I will return your call the next day.
Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to talking with you.
Your Signature (for letters that are going to be printed and mailed)
Your Typed Name


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