Your Name
Your Address
Your City, Province
Your Phone number
(you can copy and paste this information from your resume)
Month Day, Year
Name of Hiring Person
Name of Company
Address of Company
City of Company, Province
RE: Job Posting # or name of position advertised
Dear Name of Hiring Person,
State your purpose for writing. Tell about how you learned about the job and why you are
interested in it. What about the job or company appeals to you?
Emphasize your knowledge, experience and skills that make you the best candidate for the job.
Highlight the top points that they will find in your resume but don’t repeat resume word for
word. Show that you have researched the company and why you might be valuable employee or
a good fit with the company.
Describe in positive language what you would like to happen. if you are going to follow up with
them, tell them how and when. If you are responding to an advertised position, include a
statement such as “I look forward to meeting with you to discuss what I can offer your
Your Name
Your Contact number