Domestic Violence Personalized Safety Plan Page 4


STEP 6: Safety and drug or alcohol use. Most people in this culture use alcohol. Many use
mood-altering drugs. Much of this is legal, although some is not. The legal outcomes of using il-
legal drugs can be very hard on battered women, may hurt her relationship with her children, and
can put her at a disadvantage in other legal actions with her battering partner. Therefore, women
should carefully consider the potential cost of the use of illegal drugs. Beyond this, the use of al-
cohol or other drugs can reduce a woman’s awareness and ability to act quickly to protect herself
from her battering partner. Furthermore, the use of alcohol or other drugs by the batterer may give
him an excuse to use violence. Specific safety plans must be made concerning drugs or alcohol use.
If drug or alcohol use has occurred in my relationship with my battering partner, I can enhance
my safety by some or all of the following:
A. If I am going to use, I can do so in a safe place and with people who understand the risk of
violence and are committed to my safety.
B. If my partner is using, I can ________________________________________________________
and/or ________________________________________________________________________.
C. To safeguard my children I might __________________________________________________.
STEP 7: Safety and my emotional health. The experience of being battered and verbally de-
graded by partners is usually exhausting and emotionally draining. The process of building a new
life takes much courage and incredible energy.
To conserve my emotional energy and resources and to avoid hard emotional times, I can do some
of the following:
A. If I feel down and am returning to a potentially abusive situation, I can _____________________
B. When I have to communicate with my partner in person or by telephone, I can _______________
C. I will try to use “I can ... ” statements with myself and be assertive with others.
D. I can tell myself, “______________________________________________________________”
whenever I feel others are trying to control or abuse me.
E. I can read __________________________________________________ to help me feel stronger.
F. I can call ____________________________ and ____________________________ for support.
G. I can attend workshops and support groups at the domestic violence program or ______________
____________________________ to gain support and strengthen relationships.
STEP 8: Items to take when leaving. When women leave partners, it is important to take cer-
tain items. Beyond this, women sometimes give an extra copy of papers and an extra set of cloth-
ing to a friend just in case they have to leave quickly.
Money: Even if I never worked, I can take money from jointly held savings and checking ac-
counts. If I do not take this money, he can legally take the money and close the accounts.
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