Condolence Messages Page 4


This tragedy is so sad. Would you be kind enough to present to his family and friends my
condolences. He was a good and great man dedicated to the others and always plenty of
enthusiam and joice to communicate to others. He will be very much missed.
Michel Le Breton.
My sincere condolences. He was vital and wonderful man. His death is a shock.
John Conley
I am deeply sorry to hear the news. Please express my condolences to family and friends. He will
be very missed!
Emilson Silva
What very very sad news indeed. I am so sorry for all of his former students, his colleagues, and
his family. It is a great loss for all of us. I would like to write to his former wife, and I would also
to his son. Do you have their addresses? I recall that his father passed away a couple of years ago,
but is his mother still alive? If so, could you also give me her address?
William Thomson
I am shocked and distressed to hear of the passing of Professor Murat R. Sertel. Let me offer my
sincere condolences for his loss. I'm sorry that my English skills do not allow me to send a more
personalized letter but please accept my sincere wishes.
Yasuhito Tanaka
Dear friends: I want you to know how very sad I am - it was so terrible. We have lost such a great
man and a great friend. His charisma, entrepreneurial skills and vision for economic design were
truly outstanding, and will be sorely missed. Such a loss is tragic beyond words. With my very
deepest sympathies.
PS: If you have an address where I might send a card to Jenny and Tevfik, please send it along.
Matthew O. Jackson
This is unbelievably sad news. Istanbul will never be the same place without him. Keep strong
with friends' support. And now you will have to organise a conference in his memory.


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