1 Bridges Mini Unit Science Lesson 3 Page 2


3) Ask students to draw a vertical line down the middle of their lined
paper. Let them label the left column ENGLISH and the right column
SPANISH (or the respective home language). If there are students
who have no print skills, approach them individually to teach them
how to draw little pictures that will help them remember the
meaning of the word.
4) Write the following words in the middle of a flipchart paper: WRITE,
students to list them all in the left column.
5) Now go through each word and mime the corresponding body
language. All the verbs listed are easily acted out, so decide on a
“sign” for each and model it to students. Let them tell you how to
say the word in their home language and have them document it
in the right column.
6) If you feel confident that you can spell the words correctly in their
languages, list the translations of the verbs next to the English word
on the flip chart paper. Use a different color for each language.
7) Make sure students file their work under “words”. Let students close
their binders and review the words one more time by miming the
action and letting them tell you the word. Then reverse the process
and tell them the word and let them mime it.
8) Hand out the Actions Crossword puzzle. Let students complete it,
compare/ share answers, and file under Classwork.
9) Hand out Question Words glossary. Review it with students and file
under “words”. Students will probably have encountered the words
in other classes by now. Nevertheless, spend some time going
through each word and have students translate into their
languages, using dictionaries. Practice making some questions.
10) Slowly go through the “What do Scientists do?” power point. Stop at
each slide to discuss what students see, what they know and what
they would like to know. Improvise with as many other examples
that you can think of in order to explain to students how diverse
science is as a discipline. The ppt emphasizes that science can do a
lot of good, but you can prompt students to think of examples
where science has been abused to cause harm.
11) Have your student helper hand out more lined paper. Ask students
to write down one question with “why” and one question with
“how”. It should be a question they would ask a scientist. Students


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