Form GMIS-2: Submission Form for Energy Modeling For Green Mark Incentive Scheme
(Validation After Project Completion)
Research & Innovation Department
Building & Construction Authority
(1) Please refer to the Explanatory Notes attached before completing the
5 Maxwell Road #16-00
Tower Block, MND Complex
(2) Use a separate set of forms for each building.
Singapore 069110
(3) *Delete accordingly
Project Ref. No.: ________________________________________________________________________________
Description of Building / Building Works: ____________________________________________________________
*Lot / Plot _______________________________________
*TS / MK __________________________________
Address / Road : ________________________________________________________________________________
(1) As the Qualified Persons responsible for the design of M&E services for the above mentioned project, we declare
the energy modeling conducted for the project is in accordance with the requirements of BCA’s Framework
for Energy Modeling for Green Mark Incentive Scheme and
based on the results of the energy modeling, the building’s actual energy consumption is ____% lower than
that of the revised Reference Model.
(2) We attach the following documentations to support the above declaration:
Summary of Space and ETTV of the Building Envelope (required if there is change) (Form GMIS 2.1)
Summary of Actual Consumption of Energy by End Use including Efficiency Indicators (Form GMIS-2.2)
Summary printout from energy modeling software for the revised Reference Model (required if there is
change in space use, scheduling or occupancy).
Name, Address, Email and Tel of M&E Consultancy
(1) Name & Signature of Qualified Person (Mechanical PE)
Firm for the project
(2) Name & Signature of Qualified Person (Electrical PE)