Phone Message Template Page 19


M. Ivanović-Barišić, Holiday Text Message Well-wishing
the well-wishing stays the same.
Well-wishing was also practiced by a ritual pro-
cession, on Christmas Eve and Serbian New year: koledari, singers (korindjasi),
vertenasi, zvezdari,
The Newly wed day is a borderline winter holiday, hence the customs as-
sociated were adjusted accordingly.
However, in the past several decades, this
holiday is more in honoring the newly wed, where guests/well-wishers address their
future marriage in terms of happiness and longevity. A characteristic feature of
Easter is colored eggs, shared at home, in church after the service, or given away at
village fairs to the kindred as the holiday well-wishing. Family’s Saint Days were
marked by salutations, as a form of well-wishing to the host and the family mem-
Well-wishing dominated by an individual or group was widely spread until
WWII. After the period, was gradually replaced by a special, particular well-
wishing depending on the occasion (in written form, on paper, sold at particular
shops). This kind of holiday communication included postal service; this is just an-
other example of the post-war modernization in Serbian society that later on, initi-
ated significant changes in habits and behavior.
Well-wishing card assumes New Year’s well-wishing- in the post war pe-
riod, it became a mass and most well-known means of holiday communication.
These well-wishing sent out by friends and family meant that a person, regardless
of his/her place of residence, is not forgotten. These usually contained “an ordinary
text”, not very creative (such as “happy holidays, happy New year and Christmas
and so on), which was also determined by a limited writing space. These short mes-
sages are “public”, sent out without envelopes and easily accessible for reading to
Contrary to these well-wishing sent out by regular mail, today’ text mes-
sages are very personal. The sender and the content are only known by the receiver,
which makes these messages protected and discrete, unless of course, the receiver
reads aloud the messages in question to others.
Also, other forms of well-wishing received a considerable amount of popu-
larity at times: this is the case of well-wishing during 1970’s broadcasted by radio.
On polazenik, see more in Миле Недељковић, Годишњи обичаји у Срба, Београд 1990, 38-
60; Српски митолошки речник, Етнографски институт САНУ- Интерпринт, Београд 1998,
357-361; Милина Ивановић-Баришић, Календарски празници и обичаји у подавалским
селима, Посебна издања Етнографског института САНУ 59, Београд 2007, 97-98.
Мила Босић, Годишњи обичаји Срба у Војводини, Музеј Војводине - Прометеј, Нови Сад
1996, 106-128.
Српски митолошки речник, 409; Миленко С. Филиповић и Персида Томић, Горња
Пчиња, Српски Етнографски зборник, Расправе и грађа, 3, Београд 1955, 94.
See: М. Ивановић-Баришић, н. д, 153-155; М. Босић, op .cit 226-229


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